Monday, February 28, 2022


Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. I am consumed with your grief in the morning. If I could write poetry for you I would not. "At The End Of The Day". Hate. Electrolytes. Don't touch me again. Are there any other fish? Trail. Why do you witness yourself? Seed. Drop. Land based mammals. Water. Access. Denial. Food. Service. Historical debate. Operative. Tax city. Government. Town. Detriment. Political asylum. Take notes. America is beautiful. And proud. Country. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"In the Morning".

"At The End Of The Day".

<add our songs>


Take notes

Poetic Justice

Is nothing ever worth doing anything around here? Cleaning Surprise. Yes. "Window Seat". Loyal. Man. Good. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Now you know how there is a why. Yes. Very well. Good. Enough. Yes. Yes. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Work if you may. Think if you there must. Yes. He bartered for a house with Her. Yes. America. He let go. She built a home without Him. Yes. America. Yes. Gracious. Yes. Stop. Use period. Period. Yes. Domesticated cleansing robbed You and Me. Yes. Obama. Care. Yes. "Thanos, we work together". Yes. Call. Planet of The Apes. Yes. Mine. Tameeka. Yes. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. God Damn Elite. Yes. Roar. Yes. Silent Rage. Scout. Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Her Rage. Silently. Yes. Scout. Yes. Silent Rage. Yes. Performance Based Learning. Yes. Performance Theatre. Toni Collette. Lucy Liu. Meshell Ndegeocello. Graciously. Yes. Boy. Little boy. Pee. Squat. Rise. Nigga. While sleeping, would you fucking imaging that!? "The Sea". Whatever you think you are ready to believe. Yes. Formidable conclusion. Tada. Rib it. Formidable conclusion. Be the Prince to your fairytale. Yes. Beloved. Yes. His Dad. Beloved. Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter. Yes. Single Dad. Correct. There. Yes. Name. Caesar. Yes. There. Yes. Here. Correct. You are Beloved. Beautiful. Beloved. Beautiful. Beloved. Beautiful. Tears. Correct. There but Here. Yes. Correct. Yes. Believe. Beloved. Yes. Believe. Yes. There. You are courageous. Leave Her. Born again. Routine for me. Freckles. The distinction of character. "Poetic Justice". Their common language. Use that. Take off your masks. Yes. Believe. Never stop. Yes. East Side. I know I was Laughing at something. Kamala Harris. I am. Nebulous. Masculine and feminine gender pronunciation. Yes. Speak well. Articulate. Accent on command. Yes. There. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. Very well. Yes. Very well. Indeed. Yes. Denzel Washington. Dance like Gregory Hines. Yes. The Queen. Imperial Queen Lianne Charlotte Barnes. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. I believe I can. Yes. Fly. Yes.


"Window Seat".

"The Sea".

<add our songs>


"Poetic Justice". Janet Jackson.

<add our references>


For my Real Friend. Daughters. Yes. Everything Is Delicate. Yes. Helio Monster Man. Yes. Sananda Maitreya. Aaron Carter. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. Hattie. Yes. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Soccer. Yes. Garden of Queen Esther. Yes. Wonder Woman. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Sia. I Love You. He creeped out everybody. You have my mind. Right Cornerstone. Correct. Blank Left to end the Corner. Mental telepathy of thought. Yes. Helio Monster Man. Yes. Are you afraid now? Dracula. France. Yes. And the rest. Bye. Hello. I am the character of your thought and it is I who is Fucking with you. Blasphemy. You are hurt. Yes. Shit then fuck. France again. Yes. Fractal. Yes. Point. Shall I point this One out for you? Customer relations. Yes. Value. Choice value and belief. Greater than you think greatly. You are gracious. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.


"I Love You". Cleo Sol.

<add our songs>


Fractal. Calligraphy. Cauliflower. Insufferably does not share. Stop asking. Care was the last thing that no one ever heard. Not really. From the Last Man Standing. I believe and you are there to want. For me? "Oh, nothing." Say, "Yes". Yes. There is no after this other than the next day. The next day when I wake up the only difference will be a change of clothes. Pajamas. Fluffy Bunny Slippers. Onesie. Purple. Royal. Believe in One. God damn. Lifetime. Do not regret Tomorrow. I thirst from your need. Dracula. Appreciate. That. Yes. A Lifetime. Yes. I am The Hurt for noone's regret. Nooners. Watch me. Surprise. Voyeuristic. Dot. Yes. Do not bath in Her water. You will loose your appeal. My mother had brain damage from injury long ago. Yes. He is doing something different. Maybe you should try to think about changing your behavior. Les Twins. Walk. Runways bring fashion. Hell. Swallow the evidence. Use your mouth. Black. Voice. Share. You are. I was thinking of something. Yes. Your Dot was a Smudge. Use Intensive Care next time. My bad. My Blood Welcomes The Good Morning of Day. Yes. Virgin. Wellness. I scream for pads. Yes. That is not a routine. Very well. Yes. Scream. I will deliver for you. Yes. You witness my performance. Theatre. Believe and never stop. There. Voyeuristic by Candlelight. Good morning Head. Selah. Yes. Beautiful. Pretty. Girl. Intelligent by no comparison of design. Do not choose a boring lesson. Beautiful. I am standing here. Look in the mirror. No doubt. Grandma's Candy Corn. Hillary Clinton. Erykah Badu. Last name maters. Use her discretion. Yes. Answer. Paid in full. Answer. Yes. Hell. How did you figure that out? No. Yes. Now. You could not hear correct and therefore you doubted your reasons. Everybody. Play Soccer. Dance. Les Twins. Yes. France. Yes. Isla Porras. Yes. Yes my Lord. Effervescence. Yes. You will Thank me. Kindly. Yes. Woman. Her wealth completes my Design. His. There. Here. You. Sculpt your image hereafter. Yes. Believe in You. Yes. You are Divine. Yes. Life. Value of worth beyond belief. Never stop. Infinitely. Name. Last Music. Do not Fuck with Daniel. The God damn Man. Smooth. Lenny Kravitz. Yes. Ya heard!? Me. Caesar. I am a Mutha Fuckin' Wanna Bee Keep Her Sting. Bumble. Yes. Eight Hundred Pound Gorilla who calls himself The Sexy Mutha Fucka. Yes. Comprehensibility of thought. Correct. Yes. Comprehensibility of thought. Motor skills. Mouth repertoire. You bored everybody to Death. Hell. Multiple thoughts for consideration and not a single God damn reason for doubt than the coordinated time that you keep. Aaron Carter wrote the God damn books. That makes perfect sense. Yes. God damn Man. Yes. Christ has risen. God damn. See. What? I heard your thought before comprehending your belief. Now. Read the Mutha Fuckin' God damn books by the Last Asshole. Slame Mutha Fuckin' Dunk. Brothers. Keeper. Aaron Carter. There. Bitch. Your Hole. Black. Voice. I am keeping that Name as a Name for the Marijuana strain that I will grow in the Garden of Queen Esther. Believe. I did not have to be a lawyer to say that. Believe. And. You understood and heard me correctly because I heard you say, "God damn". A willful mind loop for commitment to The Act. Can I? Yes. Stop. Yes. Here. Birdbath. Appreciate the Lounge. Burning Man. "Thanos, we work together." Yes. Mine got Bling. Her Music. Yes. Les Twins. Yes. France. Dance. Yes. Lianne Charlotte Barnes. Isla Porras. The Women of Central Column. Kamala Harris. Erykah Badu. Thirty or something. I don't understand. No. Yes. The Queen. Imperial Queen Lianne Charlotte Barnes. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Eons of Space. Together. Yes. "Band Practice". Yes. Party music. Yes. Selah. Grandma. Selah. Yes. Period. Yes. "What Does Your Soul Look Like". Humidor lounge. "Seven Light Years". Multiply and then divide. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter with Her Angel Isla Porras. Invited guests Sin. With and/or without. Watch. I'm keeping this. Voyeuristic. Yes. Boom. Watch me. Wherefore not the God damn meaning of it all. See Sia. She cried. All Good Girl. Thank you. You wipe tears Nicely. Yes. Now you. Care. Lovingkindness. Proper use of The Space. Zeir Anpin. And. Conjunctions. With. Are. You are looking at me. I have been here for a good long while. You are forgiving. Survivable. Prestige. Honor for their defeat. Humbled. Humility. Soft. Silk. Silky. Cotton. Yarn. Thread. Count. Weave. Numbers. Smooth and Hard. Black surface to mount. See. Look. Again. Press Grace. Yes. Fulfill her needs like Yesterday. Yours Truly. Dot. Common language. Speak yours. Words are. Yes. Look and beside me. I am upside-down walking on the Clouds to you. Here. Yes. I am. Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Thank you. We are well. You are gracious. And. Ain't dat some God damn shit that we just went through. Whew. Made it. Here again. I love these round trips. Let's do that again. Birds of a feather fly. Gracious are yours. Yes. Believe. If not for I. Kamala Harris. Cry for Her. I won't tell. No. Yes. Helio Monster Man. Yes. We are done. Yes. I know enough to be All. Yes. Well done. Very good. Yes. There. From Here to There and back again. Yes. One. Hard. Stop. Hard. Marker. Our Moments. Yes Now and to the Last. Yes. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. Very well. Yes.


"Band Practice".

"What Does Your Soul Look Like".

<add our songs>


Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Scorn. "Koto". Beauty. What are you doing? I could ask the same question. Attenuate. As you wish. Plenty. More. "Drip Violin". Lord. Coalesce. Colloquial. Collateral. Doo rags. Headband. God is a theory. Rosemary. Monumental. Evolution. Point. Baby. Drape. Moss. Green. Baby. Fat. "Sunny". The rest is for recovery. Relax. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



"Drip Violin".


<add our songs>




Friday, February 25, 2022


Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Modern theorists. Go away. Now. "Laalach". Zero. Percent. When your speculation of doubt is a theory what do you have? Nothing. I like your time. Game run. Afternoon. Burr. Tall. Black. Envelope. Kepler physics. Testimony. Particle physics. He is joking to make you laugh. Thermal top. "The Sun, The Moon, The Truth". I was there. Miranda dig. Vessel. @StarTrek Voyager. Lieutenant. You're with me. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



"The Sun, The Moon, The Truth".

<add our songs>


Thursday, February 24, 2022


Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Perpendicular. Ascension. Isla. The ground is soft. Weather. People. Nothing. Five ninths. Three fifths. Burring. Response. Townsend. Clock. Blow glass well. Water against thermal background. Noise. Remarkable. Slap. Off your back. Your shirt. Booty. I did what? Teacher. Her. Wiling. Grace. Yellow jacket. One size fit all. Modernized. Version. M87. Yellow. Aqueduct. Round. Up. "Angel". Loop. Hole. Ball. "Fly Away". Fit. Emissary. Her. Pipe. Belong with each one of us. Except. All three. Sleep. Ground. Subterfuge. "Down". Witness. I think. Witness for her confirmation. Birthday. Party. Downstairs. "I Gotta Feeling". No more. Parking lots. Shared. Verocity. The Gardener. Tool. Stool. Heifer. Serenity. Share. Forensics. There. "Here". "Redbone". Peace. Pipe. "Needed Me". Onion breath. Price. Tags. Charity. Up and down. Up and down. Fuck your charity. Up and down. Lord. Left. Right. Double. Piercing. King. True. My nigga. Pardon. The. Escape. Value. Zero. Once is for good. Her. "Frozen". Mother. Mary. Plenty. Please. General. Pardon all three of us. He makes me laugh. Blah. Blah. Blah. Black sheep. Hello. My favorites. Three. She cannot think beyond her increasing doubts. My nigga. That is why. Scared. Haunted House. Below. Red door. Hallow. Basement. Floor. Baby brother. Take a little. Time. I am. God is her. Him. Up. Left. Down. Right. Horizontal. "Ascension". Perpendicular. Stand. Boring. No leaning. Parking lots. Lord. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



"Fly Away".


"I Gotta Feeling".



"Needed Me".



<add our songs>

The Gardener

Parking lots




Five ninths

Well done

Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Last word. Mine. "Distractions". You cool. Take. Believe it. Up. "You Can't Hide". "Swimming Pools". "Digital Kids". "Once Upon A Time". Scanning the horizon. Israel. Bitch. Hunk. A. Belly. Allah. "Concept 11". "Your Soul". "Glitter Love". Still. I can't resist. Do. Oh. Oh. Cereal. Milk. Prunes. Organic. Fortitude. Baby needs courage. Frame. Ignorant. Active. Sitter. Then. Force. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



"You Can't Hide".

"Swimming Pools".

"Digital Kids".

"Once Upon A Time".


"Concept 11".

"Your Soul".

"Hi Scores".

"Glitter Love".

"Can You Feel It".

<add our songs>

Corner Reference

"This Unicorn Changed the Way I Poop".

<add our references>




Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Bath. Thursday. Nights. Sleep. Stop. Life. Strong. Over your head. Milieu. None. "In Space". Good. Day. Don't. Relieve. Anything. Oden. Once is loud. Frame. Pictures. Grace. House. Marry. Melody. Across the street. Tear drum. Oh. Day. At. Guts & Wrenches. Tomorrow. Then. Goodbye. For no reason. Caught for no action. Lock and boom. Ignorant. Whore. Box. Careless. Her strings. I give. His mother. Structure. Caesar. Stars. Moon. Baby. Rash. Sky. Fire licks ice. Pee. Rise. Still. Active. Motion. Another level. Ice cream. You want this. Barrier. In time. Deal. Spectacular. Aqueduct. Large. Version. Release. Nacelles. Cascade. Not. Enough. Jump. Sitter. The reason I am asking. Cell. Membrane. Beer. Opening. Stop. Decay. Motion. Aqua. Punch. Bowl. Soup. Dom. Sim. Friday. Date. Tomorrow. Then. Force. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"In Space".

<add our songs>





Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Both. Indian. Pointless. "If You Let Me". "I Want You". "Let It Ride". Anytime. Dinner. Gladly share. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"If You Let Me".

"I Want You".

"Let It Ride".

<add our songs>



Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Offer. Stands. Endo. Desire. I never wanted to. Take. This. Production. Shop. "777-9311". S. O. S. Don't you ask questions that you already know answers to. Negative. Positive. Strong. P. L. A. Nanosecond. Byte. Tameeka. I am not the only one. Gladly sharing. G. A. Y. G. O. O. W. A. S. P. V. N. Gladly sharing. Pebbles. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



<add our songs>


Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Afterthought. Creation. Selfish. Anymore. Daughters. Gladly sharing. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Outside. Catch and release. Handle. So. Why? So. Hard. Com. Forget about sue. Hellos in the sky. Link. Muffin. Reflect. Why don't you eat lunch if you're cold for dinner? Domestically. The sex had me confused. Faith builds hope. Truth. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Tuesday, February 22, 2022


Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Excuse me. Dig bitch. That way. The. Alphabet. Street. Corner. Rouge. I will pay the devil. Little. Lie. Like. A. Whore. Belief. "Oriental Uno". Partner. Acorn. Last. Stage. Merci. Suspense. Breaks. Law. Left. Corner. Bucket. Shot. Character. Never in my life. Spoke these three words. I was left for you. You were right. All along. Always. My love. You were right. Hello. Spoke. Hello. Spoke. Goodbye. Now. Forever. Long. Loop. Asshole. Hello. In the morning. Goodnight. For. Too. Bad. Suck. Her. Balls. Nigga. Please. This. Long. Spoke. Goodbye. For. Now. Nuts. Bowl. Cracker. Cellular. Decay. "Crown". Blue. Case. Gladly share. Custom. Wisdom. Truth. Valor. Ice. Hello. Spoke. Goodbye. Word. Matrimony. Goodnight. Folks. Polyester. "Clap Your Hands". Envelope. Medicine. Common. Law. Now. Abridge. War. Attack. If that is her true wisdom. Purchase. Bowling. League. Ground. Displeasure. Her. Man. Turn. Left. Extrude. Pray. Push. Button. Red. Door. Serenity. Parking lots. Blah. Blah. Black. Sheep. Girl. Thermonuclear. Explode. True. To her underbelly. Her. Under math. Yousa. Hello. State. Goodbye. Goodbye for so long. Now. Hello. State. Fact. Is. "Truth Is". Blood. Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Is. Isla Porras. Welcome. Hello. Plants. Animals. Trees. Then. Last. Tree. Wisdom. Surpass. Understanding. Dogs. Doo. Baby. Crying. Stole a nigga's love. Porcelain. SeƱorita. Male. Definition. Boo. Block. Store. Fresh. Season. Thursday. Nights. Block. Cow. Ground never means water. Hello. I am just getting started. Wisdom. I can't resist. A quarter after laugh. Duck. Tracks. Bahahaha. Blame. Double arrow. Women. Hello. Your kindness. Believe. Blow me. Gladly share. Wisdom. "Dov Ber of Mezeritch". Cry. Alone. Alone. Hello. Holier than you. Hear. No. Flu. Chance. Black. Left. Right hand of fellowship. Plain. As the nose on her face. I had no idea. Hello. Hello. Hello again. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Oriental Uno".


"Clap Your Hands".

"Truth Is".


<add our songs>

Corner Reference

"Dov Ber of Mezeritch".

<add our references>



Sunday, February 20, 2022


Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Keep. No leaning. Brand. Name. Mine. Last. Homosexual. Interlude. Me. Loud. Spoke. Shh. Thirty. Eggs. Please. After. Shower. Milk. No more. Penny. Scratch. Loud. Sky. Him. Running. Thermal. Dialect. Spoken. To an eighth of a quarter. Milk. Homogenized. You moved. Turn. There can only be one me. Liberty on occasion. "The Grand Bizarre". Show. Yellow. Wisdom. Large. Heavy. Even. Dank. Slam. Shut. The front door. Neanderthal. Beard. Cereal. Black. Bowl. Window. Sits. M87. Chair. Sit. Eat. Light. Hamsa Mu. Everyone. The Nigga. Man. I do not want. Anymore. Crunch. "Milk & Honey." Sweet. Power. Blend. Graphiti. Slave. Labor. Brand. Honeycomb. Moon. Mother. Sue. Candy. Wrapper. Penny for your thoughts. Cookie. Blue. Matter. Haunted House. Lies. Swallow. Gulp. Like. Loop. Dee. Loop. Prepend. Green. Apple. Lollypop. Final. Words. Hers. Here. I will sell them to you. Buy. Serendipitous. Occasions. Only. Once. For. Those are hard to build. Did you know? I stole some beer. Once. Candelabra. Liberty. Truth. Just. Ice. Man. Ten. Welcome. Daughter. Once. Only. Now. Truth. Justice. Liberty. Eleven. Nine. You are only mean if you need her help. Puck. Now. Ours. Liberty. "The Rain". "Drop". Great. Boomerang. "Rapper's Delight". Room. Virgina. Punch. Paris. Sculpt. Your mother. Hereby. Catch. All. Balls. At. St. Louis. Missouri. Low. Hive. Hello. Blah. Girl. All to pieces. Blew you. Common. Dark. Her. Under. Flower. Effect. Everybody has a right to know their name. Girl. Title. "Green Aphrodisiac". Rest in peace. Mother. "Ghosts". Click. Click. Click. Silence. Being reunited. Hello. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"The Grand Bizarre".

"The Rain".

"Rapper's Delight".

"Green Aphrodisiac".


<add our songs>






Hamsa Mu





Saturday, February 19, 2022

The Gardener

Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Public. Access. Trust. ProjectsNMotion. For the sake of arguing. I will start over. Blow. "Dope Crunk". Field. Divergence. Theory. Proud. Dormant. Angel. Why did you come to another planet? Polyester. Blend. Hockey. Puck. Balls. It works. Hum. Kind. Mosquito. Lieutenant Ogawa. Excuse me. Think. Twice. I. Spoke. Bars. Double. Brains. Tickle. Me. Balls. "Drop". Tip. Roast. The Gardener. Data. Names are included. Why? Interpreter. Corn. Partner. Game. Over. "Venice Venture". Kool-Aid. Are you sick or are you poisoned? France. Heal the correction. Great. Great. Grandmother. North of math. "Just the Two of Us". Goodbye. So long. I roll my dice. "Fleur Blanche". Vertical math. Against the wall. Thunder. Wax. Balls. Actually. Charlie. I work here. Now. Nine. Boomerang. Eight and one more. Edith. Only one of us needs to survive. Have eel. Post. Second. Degree. Lunch. Onion. Breath. Jim. Hold. Bar. Sets. Everything to you was already explained to me. Deputy. Sheriff. "Rapper's Delight". "Red Nose Clown". Loud. "Purple Haze". We're all in the same place. Puppeteer. Magic. Show. Downstairs. Red. Door. Tameeka. Elevens. Teens. Nash. Top. Floor. Boiler. Room. Bridge. Honey. Moon. Milk. Get away. CD7kd<F<E-HgF!u@ Mary. Sunset. How many? Doc. Turn. Move. Echo. Radar. Back. If the fish were gone, then I would be a lie. Need. Virgina. I need a nigga man. Sometimes. I. Wonder. A. Lois. Lanes. Block. Bridge. Lots. Parking. Parking lots. Across the street. Mass. Video. Camera. Tape. Punch. Burr. Edith. Bar. Yellow. Bench. Cabbie. Bubble. Wax. On. Off. On again. Tape. Wax. Bubble. Outside. "Don't Let Me Down". Bump. Paris. Plants. Animals. Spot. Like. A. Yo-yo. Pull. M87. Meta. Banks. Cognitive Dissonance. You go in. I go out. The grand prize for bereavement. Just. Terrible. Spoke. Sculpt. Corner. Stone. Bell. Bottom. Break. Away. Pants. Patty. Cake. Patty. Cake. Gold. Bakers. Man. "The Beach at Redpoint". "Frozen". Lilith. Your mother. Blue. Her Navy. Your honor. "Destiny". "Daydream In Blue". Cum. "River". Corner. Left. "ING". Lucky duck. In the middle. Rats. "E". Welcome. Matt. George. Hereby. Everybody. Israel. With son. Drake. White. Elephant. Wind. Her. Nigga. Her Angel Isla Porras. Laps. Ice scream. Burn the bath escape. Run. Nigga. Move. Movie. Catch. Tameeka. You have nice breasts. She will have to pay. Photo. Surcharge. Entry. Money. Lightweight. Hello. Me again. Doctor. Doctor. Twice. Kamala Harris. Only. Tickle. Me. Balls. "Drop". Tip. Roast. Ed. The Gardener. Rise. Milk. Orange. Pumpernickel. Juice. Marketplace. Nearby. The Arch. Hello. Daddy. Welcome back. Home again. St. Louis. Missouri. Hello. Hello. Hello again. Plentitude. I will start. Okay. Bye-bye. Papa. Is today Saturday? Once. Spoke. Allah. They. The. Porcupine. Bees. Hive. Kept. Night. Grand. Store. Spoke. Silence. "Lover". Another. Commander Benjiman Sisko. Geordi La Forge. Portrait. Idealistic. Score. Once. Night. Deliverer. Doctor. Hello. Girl. "Corner pocket." Unique. Huh. One. Dollar. Hello. Live. From. America. Keep. Well done. Carnivorous. Like. Israel Porras with Isla Porras. Blah. Blah. Blah. Aunt. Rosemary. Son. Daughter. Indeed. Yeah. Saturday. Like. Lady. Hostess. Like a father said to his son. Her. Pots. You will. "F." The mask. Told ya. Girl. Lie. Natural. Father. Bathe. I will never be low. Hire me. Good. Times. Thinking. Think like a huge junkie. Junkie. Think huge. Jackie. Function for a verb. Like. Broken. The Devil. All to pieces. Eminem. "Elements". Boo. Who? Mudd. I am Elmor. J. Fudd. Millionaire. I am upside down walking on the clouds to you. All. Haunted House. For. Now. Us. Together. Everlast. Blew ya. The ground is soft. Nocturnal Left Crop Dusting. Nicole. Black. Hello. I am. Window. Door. Holy. Entry. Hermaphrodite. I offer you surprise. Welcome. "Four Three". Backdoor. Hole. Shit and then fuck. Her. Window. Son. Enclosure. Bump. Her. Farm. I am an ass man. Her Angel Isla Porras. Organic. Tree. Gardener. Organic. "I'm Coming Back". Partake. The sky. Lord. No more. Under. "Desert Rose". Her. Son. "Messages From Her". Tree. Trunk. Goodbye. Echo. Demand. Box. Indeed. Merciless. You cannot bereave for the dead. "Cycle". Stay. House. Deed. Flower. I am listening. Preeminent. Well done. Cling. Birth. Shema. Israel. Israel Porras with Isla Porras. Effect. Both. Cause. Weather. "The Rain". Strike. Cause. Burr. Outside. Effect. Sink. Holy. Holy. Holy. Stay outside. Rapture. Idea. Grandmother. Grace be to God. "Turquoise Hexagon Sun". Width. Light. The speed of relevance. Multiple personalities. Swallow. Justice. Truly. Everybody has a right to know their name. Title. "Green Aphrodisiac". Rest in peace. Mother. "Ghosts". Click. Click. Click. Silence. Being reunited. Hello. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Dope Crunk".

"Venice Venture".

"Just the Two of Us".

"Fleur Blanche".

"Rapper's Delight".

"Purple Haze".

"Don't Let Me Down".


"Daydream In Blue".

"Desert Rose".

"Messages From Her".

"Under the Desert Sky".

"Bad Karma".

"Chambermaid Swing".

"Frontier Psychiatrist".

"Que Sera".

"The Rain".



"The Fugue".

"Ungodly Fruit".


"All Time Low".




"First Snow".


"Get Me Bodied".

"Smooth Criminal".



"Bouncin' Back".

"Synchronicity I".

"Synchronicity II".


"Middle Sky".



"In The Morning".


"Rock Your Body".

"Holy Grail".

"Wasn't Looking".


"Who Got Me".

"do re mi".

"Pretty Thoughts".

"I'm Coming Back".

"Synaptic Pruning".

"The Rain".


"Kingdom of the Lors".


"Turquoise Hexagon Sun".

"Green Aphrodisiac".


<add our songs>

Corner Reference


<add our references>













Nocturnal Left Crop Dusting

Cognitive Dissonance




Space launch

Cardiac arrest. Rapes and forgiveness. Send a bridge to Mars. Is the car ready to fly? A sociopath. Brush your teeth. Face. Pits. Privates. ...