Friday, December 11, 2020


The closer I get the harder I work. I am the only one. Never ignore her after ignoring yourself. Yes. Monster. Yes. I am having a deliberate conversation with myself and that includes His Angel Isla Porras. You searched. Now receive. The Queen. Queen Lianne Charlotte Barnes. Common. The antagonist used others doubt with their own cyclical reasoning. Hypnotized by their own complaining. In the end the world spirals up into their own story of talking to themselves. Ask for what you want. Want for desire. Believe in me. White ball. Black divots of character spiral onto the surface of a singular event horizon. Parallel universes in dialogue of thought and character. You are the event of every moment that space collapses into. Life on planets beyond the escape of a Black hole. An echo of matter between Light and Dark. "Alive". I can not appreciate myself until knowing my experience of moving outside. Happily ever after. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter with His Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Thank you. Your are gracious. Yes.



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Ernestine Sharpe

I don’t need you. Danielle Stevens. Danielle Stevens I Ernestine