Sunday, December 27, 2020


A proper Goodbye. All for the surface and plenty of not. Rich beyond compare. Life. Me and The Will to be. Hell. What just happened? Choice value. Choice belief. Read the God damn books. Repeat for successful accomplishment. You will never be this Hard ever again Mr. President. He is not a dummy. An irritable regret is the secret. I require extra details. Awareness. Reflection. Before the accumulate of demand. Livestock. Education is food. Your ridiculous monster is your mother's gross. Mom. Volunteer. Oak Tree Testaments. Rifts fall Sand Dune. "United States Armed Forces". Prepare. Caffeine got me conditioned for the headache. Yes. Cycle. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter with His Angel Isla Porras. "Breathe Me". Both are us. Rate for the purpose of the push. Do you hear me now? World Class Humanitarians. Graceful. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.


"Breathe Me".

<add our songs>


"United States Armed Forces".

<add our references>


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