Thursday, December 24, 2020


@NASA The Stars are singing music to us. The words that we can not afford to speak to one another. Language. Character. Ethnic divide. Isla My Addiction. Yes. Nerve endings. Simple. Aptitude. Yes. Behavior is construction upon belief. Choice value. Rest. Feels nice being God. Yes. His Angel Isla Porras. Yes.

Embalm observance. Embalming fluid. Marijuana. Tell you that you are not addicted to the crime that you think you are committing. Organic chemistry. Processed foods. Chemical compound. Slow and easy. Southern Mississippi Baptist. Glory Happy Days. Gospel. Bullshit. Right hand of fellowship. I will hold the bowl for Happy. "Timbaland". Turn of the God damn Century. What is this? Remember and/or Read backwards. I was Dislexic. Kryptonite. Mine. Name. Kryptonite. Laurence Fishburne.  Mads Mikkleson. Polar. Rosario Dawson. Before Gal Gadot. Batgirl claws Bear while we're fucking at Burning Man in my Chambers Rosario Dawson I am talking to you this is Helio Monster Man. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. Our first date. Your eyes. I was enraptured. Your girlfriend wasn't distributed for the interruption. She was jealous of why you couldn't look at her that way. I felt that. Now. Slowly. Feel this. Caress the spine with your fingertips. Glaze the surrounding. Follow her into the woods. Yes. Thank you. Take in the scenery. Woman. Yes. Helio Monster Man. Tell me more. Vera Farmiga. "Quid Pro Quo". Yes. Go on. Scully is taken care of. Californication is getting rebooted. Anything else. Case closed. Fuck your lawyer. Please. Continue.


"Timbaland". Master Class.

"Quid Pro Quo".

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Everybody. Beehive. Clay sculpting. Laplace transform. Möbius strip. @FRANCE24 Date night. Start with The God damn Playlist. Yes. Helio Monster Man with His Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Glass blowing. "Adore". See @Lin_Manuel Guitars pluck strings. @bgreene I wrote the book. How to be The Man. "Everything Is Delicate". Yes. Helio Monster Man with His Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Cardi B. I need candles.


"Adore". Prince

Gravity is at work.


"Everything Is Delicate". Helio Monster Man.

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There is always a pinch for there to be a need. Scrooge. Nightmares give you a good night sleep. Where the peace of her heart is another's mind. Nursery rhyme. Worried for the scared and becomes the enemy. Never again hauntings. Not another soul. Look at mine. Tuppence is Tuppence. Am I here for the accompany of others? No. The skill to have is better agriculture. Farm to table. Meals in the home. Craftsmanship. London, Paris. Are your words action verbs or labels for the needs of common? Common are our wealth indeed. Fear is the pain that you inflict that you actually care about knowing for yourself. Chesed. Lovingkindness. Yes. Now. Tunnels were the adventure. Past. Present. Future. Yes. Now. Water. Falls. Guitar. Chills. Speak your words. Alone is whatever you wanna be. Linguistics. Change the meaning of your thoughts. Words matter for their use. Proper or slay me. The further away the less I know where they are and long for the hope of their return in the reflective moments of others but never the same with them. Attachment. It's a theory. The kink in the machine is thinking  that one day everybody will agree. Everybody is a person. You need only what you know. Yes. Surprise. Yes. Helio Monster Man with His Angel Isla Porras. Really!? No. "Gonna Make You Dance". Heaven never said goodbye. Reflections accumulate attractively as the simplest spacial reasons through a multiverse. Ballerinas balance to craft expression. A Prince invites you back to the stage. And a common language for describing the original moment relative to these moments of experience with you not me. All y'all. One God. Conquer symbology. Gather appeal. Overwhelm belief. The literal presumption is age as your character. There is only one God. And I am He. The first response for Life to the collapse of a universe. "Gone". Her voice speaks meaning from Life for his words. Celebrate Together Pose. Sugar Shack Print by Ernie Barnes. Personal thinker. Roots. Safe. Home. Yes. Aaron is rapture. Yes. The Queen. Queen Lianne Charlotte Barnes. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter with His Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.


"Gonna Make You Dance".


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Municipal principle

From an earlier ice age. Lacking judgement. I like the girls. He seems very strange to me. Too Soon. Brief. Abandonment. Postponement. Mater...