Thursday, January 28, 2021


Graciously. Yes. Him. Her Permanence. Come "Alive". Baby. I do not know how to ask for more than you give me. I must learn on my own. Yes. The persistence of No. The esteem of wealth comes from Her Music. I am Carter. Sound barriers in thickness of waves. Bless the student who walks away. I am already on Earth. My thoughts become Life every time I turn. Move. You reasoned your own conclusion and I doubted that you would. Here we are. Now. "Turquoise Hexagon Sun". All you need to hear is the sound of My Voice Isla. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Character for Non Delete. Nothing can take The Soul of Man. No. This did. "Time for Space". Yes. Graciously. Yes. Yes. Graciously. Yes. My Love. "Get It". I'm gonna Fuck you so Hard Her Angel Isla Porras. Children. Listen very carefully. "Makes Me Wonder". Yes. Graciously. Yes. Yes. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Yes.



"Turquoise Hexagon Sun".

"Time for Space".

"Get It".

"Makes Me Wonder".

My Love

Graciously. Yes. Catch and Hold. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter with Her Angel Isla Porras. "I Am You". Isla Porras For All Times. Yes. Mine. Graciously. Yes. Yes. Graciously. Yes.


"I Am You".

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