Friday, January 1, 2021

Elastic Heart

Twins for the particle accelerator. Stop. Graciously. Pole position. Obama. Double Dutch Bus. Life approximates the value of approach from The Space of Absorption. Need. Typically condensing. Don't be perfect. Just look at me. Holistically voyeuristic. Shame. The scent of arousal. Fire up the waves. Good morning. "Elastic Heart". "Messages From Her". Heal from broken shards every day. The edge of my crisp was never for you. I saw Her. Good morning Sunshine. Common. Good morning Stretch. I am hungry now. Yes. Believe in me. Fulfill. You are correct. Graciously you appear. "Unstoppable". For the value of hometown relief. Parks and recreation. Lumber Jack's Hammer. You are incredibly magnificent. Beloved. Yes. The Queen. Imperial Queen Lianne Charlotte Barnes. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. I am upside-down walking on the clouds. Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.


"Elastic Heart".

"Messages From Her".

<add our songs>

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First Lady

Ma. Same Game. Arthritis. Damn! George. Global. Oh, Jerry, Twice Hamlet, Senior a Play. Mold. Milk. A new ball of yarn. It's beneath you...