Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Reveal

Graciously. Yes. Fall in. Drop out. Share anonymously. "Flowers". The pop is your rationalization to their time. Epiphany. This passivity is ungracious to me. "The Reveal". I want for nothing. Who waited? Call Us for The Reveal. Yes. Courageously. Graciously. Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Yes. Graciously. Watching Her get out of the tub. Greece. Her Ass. Her Bulb. Her Attention. Fire licks Ice. Thermodynamics. "Sometimes". Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter with Her Angel Isla Porras. "Me In Her". Yes. Graciously. Oh My Lord. Graciously. Yes. Yes.



"The Reveal".


"Me In Her".

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