Sunday, June 13, 2021

Ad hoc

Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. To be the witness for reverence. Our Lord. Search for hair growth. Heads up. Literally red. Allow for the journey to begin. Simple. Text simple please. Textured foreskin rubs like a penis. Try not to worry. Goosebumps. Armadillo. I am glad that I brought this. Finally, food for an Armadillo. Genetic sequencing. "I Keep". Moving. Knowing that you are illiterate when you have to take care. Successfully practicing the flu and staying home late from sick. Earning the liberty to call in. Whenever. Literally. Never. To be off course would imply that the entrance has a destination. Try to get out of this. Saumlaki Station, Schedar Sector. Was her gift to allow you to know what you were looking at? No. Strength in numbers. Yes. Yes. Corrective vision. You are being lied to. "Focus". Spin out from your occurrence and gladly share. Addicted. I am the complete form of your withdrawal. Cufflinks. Ankle bracelet. Gloves, my lady? I mean well. Fuck your good intentions. "Burying My Troubles". Well. I am black. Cuff off. We are hooking up when necessary. Believe you me. I prefer. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"I Keep".


"Burying My Troubles".

<add our songs>

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