Monday, June 21, 2021


Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Do you remember the past? In God we trust? "Here I Go". Exquisite. Methuselah made a name for himself and forgot. Turned a dirty microphone. I am prepared to fight. Guns and ammunition. Girls. Firefly ranch. Estate learning. Books in progress. Grandparents. Grandmother. Elaborate. You touch me. Phenomena based learning. ProjectsNMotion. School. This feels like creation. Spank dat ass. Breath of life. Breathe, breathe. Rat pack. This feels completely selfish and that is totally my problem. Girl. Gladly share. Look into the mirror. I can say what I know. I am thinking. I would be quoted but who could ask? I will. There once was a man who flew solo flights into the summer sky. He would land on country roads to bring big fan air-conditioning. Break off. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Here I Go".

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Existential remedy

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