Thursday, July 8, 2021

Cardboard sign

Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Read this a couple of times and then pretend that you did not hear me. When my poetry becomes what others want to correct. How profound. Literally demeaning. Exclude punctuation. I almost mentioned something that I did not regret. Period. Milky way. M87. Smile. Bloom. Drop. My body is calling. Will there be performance or virtue? A little of neither and I will detest. I think that I need medical assistance. Learn when to draw the line. Rowers at the seabed had closer friends. Milk or squirt. Irreplaceable laughter. Screech. Screech. Screech. "Ernest Hemmingway". On the blackboard. Where? Holding the body of my hair. Watch me boner. Bounce. Rock. Skate. And roll. Look at me now. Ma. I can dance to hell with you. Yes. I think that is the sun. Otherwise you are not allowed. Now, moonbeam me up Scotty. You need electromagnetic radiation also. Do not be mean. No. Yes. That is correct. Yes. Yes. I solve puzzles also. Hello. Me. Hire. Literally. Why are you working so goddamn hard? "Unravel Me". Her fantasy. Seven days or seven deadly sins. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Unravel Me".

<add our songs>


"Ernest Hemmingway".

<add our references>

Flip side

Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Or poltergeists. No. He can not joke around. No. I feel that you understand the meaning. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

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