Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Email blocked

Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Email blocked. There is no grievance committee. No. Seven years ago today. Where are you now? Consider these words and may you believe and then never stop. I miss Her Angel Isla Porras. Your mom. Ethnically divided roots separate phonetically. Dope. E. Carter. Generational gap and linguistic divide. "Bahaha". I am here too. Meaning also. Edith. Her half sister. Cuz. Lineage makes strong bonds. Lent but not for mortgage. Land ahoy. The sea is my land as long as she will come along with me. Lord Aaron. There she is. A rainbow? Where? Which way? Up? Clarity made an arc for appeal. Beautiful. Art. Elaborate. Majestic and wonderful. Our Lord is God. Kingdom living across the street. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan





Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. I am black. You are of another ethnicity. I met you at the Albuquerque Rail Yards one Sunday and had a wonderful conversation with you as an author to a local publisher. Would you consider that you may be overwhelmed with your career and simply following along your exit strategy? Because this reply from a local publisher to an author is really very upsetting. Instead of forming a potentially meaningful relationship, the hesitant stop for conducting any immediate business specifically with you, illustrates a disdain that I could really just perceive as racially motivated. As if our conversation at the Rail Yards went, "If you know anyone that looks like me please send them my way, so that I can get out of this business according to my ethnically divided exit strategy, the consequential hell of having made this local publishing company as it exists today." And then, in your email reply, in blatant disregard for me as an author and poet, yelled profanely, "We would definitely be interested in discussing your project with you." An, "Aw, hell. Fuck you nigga." Basic, customer invalidation of her response. Tiger balm. Hello pleased you when she said goodbye. Yes. My life. Cry happy tears and then I am gonna fuck her bitch. Common reply. Hell all over again. Did you ask me how is history repeats itself? Any clues? I will sit here and just wait until you get back. K? Bye girl. Waves hello again. Goddamn it. Shit and then fuck. When will we all understand. This is a basic principal for survival. I believe. Lord. I never had pets. No. Your hell is to permanently delete them yourselves. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

So, literally, for now, I am planning to present tomorrow at FatPipe, 1 Million Cups, where I will read my poetry and briefly discuss our interaction and this email exchange. A well needed discussion, I can presume, will follow that is likely atypical among local African American poets and authors here in Albuquerque, excluding the one token minority, Poet Laureate Hakim Bellamy.

Let us know if you would like to have coffee one day this week, you and any other interested parties. I won't be alone. Napoli Coffee works for me.

Have a wonderful day and it was nice doing business with you.




Editing your auto email-reply. Listen. That is not the problem. Please. Try again. I know what Yoda said, and fuck that too!

Copyright 2021


Graciously. Yes. Did you get it? Napoli Coffee works for me. I am a business owner. Literally. I review all content for errors and missed spelled checks. "Hello". Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Hello". https://youtu.be/mHONNcZbwDY

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