Thursday, August 12, 2021


Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Goodness. Who owes me? These are not the lights I was planning on turning on. We the people. Black people. Thank you grandmother. I came here for the dope. The triangles interact. Strong nuclear force. Weak nuclear force. Thorough. Honeybee. Once is enough. An artist's rendition of time. Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Orchestrated. Two thirds female universe one third male vernacular. Her Angel voice. Our Angel Isla Porras. Your mother. Dope. E. Carter. Goddamn. The cat is annoying. If he makes him laugh but not her then go figure. I just wanted to be on a slave ship. Maybe he did not start off that way. Off. I do not swear. No. Clearly. Leave the bathroom door open until they or you turn around. Collapsing the universe all around. Very good. Echo. That. We are in an echo chamber. You can play on that and that is my problem. I do not have to be smart. I just have to be capable. Women rule the world. Her Angel Isla Porras. Bahaha. Watch a tree grow. Shit. Poems to playwrights. Baby. No. Shit and then fuck. Hamsa Mu. Hustle. Nonprofit. Oh. I was telling myself a story. Son. Yes. That is correct. "September". Where. "Montes Cigar Shop". I am here and you are there. I miss you my love. Aaron. I am blowing Isla Porras smoke rings. Clouds of smoke. Her Gift. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



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Corner Reference

"Montes Cigar Shop".

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Her Gift

Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. For Isla Porras. The cycle of man. Reach for the pull. Her lips. Kiss them. Richly. Isla. Our obligation is to dance for heaven. Fashion walks down the runway. Presentation matters. "The Rain". Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Libra on the edge of Scorpio. How to comprehend the willingness of time before another action verb. Mmm. Save. Turn and then move. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"The Rain".

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Hamsa Mu


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