Tuesday, September 7, 2021


Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Her red underwear. Isla Porras. Vernacular. Hiccup. A nervous response to biological behaviors. Nicole. Children. Say hello to God. Your space. Cleptophobia. Ridiculous. I will take my time. When is Labor day? Block. Soap operas made the silliest and dingiest bats. Cold is a seasonal variation with time. She is looking for her bedroom. What if you thought that life could not get any better until you acknowledged children wearing masks? Plain and simple. Expectations. I own parts. Cellular division. Holding temperament in your own gut. Kabbalah. Swallow. My mouth will receive the pleasure of Isla Porras. Life. Whose? What is your name? Problem. "James Holden". I offer. You receive to give. And then I receive. In the booty. That is correct for all I know. Read this time. "Essays on Sefer Da'at". Pain reaction. Anxiety. Stress and hormonal differences. You will know what to say. "Rocinante". Autopilot. In God we trust to raise the dandelions. Behind. "Enemy Lines". Left. Right. Down. Up. Suffering consequences in a white man's dream. Jesus complex. "Damn it, Jim". This is our only way. On the double. You are making dirty dishes. This gives us an opportunity. Dig. The chameleon and the Lieutenant. I have an imagination. Thank you "Naomi Nagata". Now. Walk around. Not on my back. You are not waiting on me. Take affirmative action. Maybe I should have started with this. No. No. Yes. Yes. @HelloMonsterMan


"Enemy Lines". https://youtu.be/3WU3zpoIjlM

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Corner Reference

"James Holden". https://g.co/kgs/CDjggK

"Essays on Sefer Da'at". Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois with Isla Porras. 2020. Lulu.com

"Rocinante". https://g.co/kgs/Z4ws1r

"Naomi Nagata". https://g.co/kgs/uCrcZf

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Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. I am what can not do and you must. God. No. No. Our Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois with Isla Porras. Share your problems. Touch indicates where. Listen. Tameeka will babysit. Midwife. Birthing tub. Does light pierce back into the eons of space before matter? Rate is relatively the same. From the collapse into pure symmetry of alignment at an original moment. Light is the rate of relevant information to realign matter back into the frozen state of elements and persist the permanence of nothing between universal iterations. The place where something comes from. As if nothing was all that happened or is as our response to a child's request. Yes. Yes. You asked me for nothing. Know yourself. Know your child. Monster. "Problem With You". Be wise and careful enough to study relative information that will attract an Angel from cave dwelling and journey together to be with you. Home. Safe. Yes. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois with Isla Porras. Yes. Yes. On larger planets the hum of tension is explosive. Monster here. Keep my son laughing through me. I am his father. Yes. Yes. Monster. Touch me. Nerve endings head through circular round. Meditative relaxation is bullshit. I sleep with ear plugs. You have no idea. I really don't need them. Listen. Pharisees obligated their time for common appeal. Language. Daughter. There is no further judgement. There wasn't enough relative experience to know the difference between information and noise. Family matters. Roots. Apple tree. Appearances seem as if the most contentious points come first. Heat from the original moment controls passing relative information for the control of man. I am him. Turn of attractive attention separated by mirrors. Dance. If you think you have a need then weigh me your concern. I keep my music above the noise. Irrelevance becomes construed facts turned upside down. History repeats for you to change belief in your permanence of being here in response to the original moment and relative to each other. A collapse of space into nothing here. Endless. Contention. I move to hear echoes of thought. Surprise. I am not pulling the greatest trick ever known to man. If I did not do chores then you could not believe in me. Love is doing when others can not. Give your time so others can have none and rest. Feel yourself having compassion. You are life. The stars are unpredictable. Control them and use proper conjunctions. Moments now and to the next. Hard. Share. Repeat. Our Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois with Isla Porras. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Problem With You". https://youtu.be/VGAh3IGDCeA

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Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. "Sapere aude". I am the Devil. I am self regulating. In the booty. Miracle ass. Black to midnight. That. You are welcome. Am I? "Essays on Sefer Da'at". There. I wrote that also. I do not care to believe. I believe. Never stop. "Midnight In A Perfect World". No. No. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Midnight In A Perfect World". https://youtu.be/InFbBlpDTfQ

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Corner Reference

"Immanuel Kant". https://g.co/kgs/4shJ2B

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Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Inner command. I see the caption in their eyes. I let myself be very alone. We affect the world. Between dark matter and dark energy we affect the world with you have not judged me. Between somewhere and I never know. Do you like cameras? Reach for the pull. Period. And action. You remind me to put blood where blood belongs. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Corner Reference

"Essays on Sefer Da'at". Aaron Carter. 2020. Lulu.com

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