Friday, December 31, 2021


Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. An abuse of authority. Move along. Comfort. Instability. Ruin. Fool. Courageous. Indeed. Melodramatic. Scenery. Troth. Trough urinals for him. Powder rooms for her. I came here to meet the girl who sold me organic high THC marijuana. Her back scapula. Her ass. Her bulb and breasts. Red dress. "Gloves, my lady?" Like a father. Like a son. What is your name? Judah Prince Carter. Dad. Alcoholic. Lord Aaron. Now you know. Pipe her cigar. Literal scale two-thirds means two thirteenths. Random number influence. Two point seven relational gaps. Six degrees of separation. Kaleidoscope. Grand. Central. Station. Bother. Lieutenant. Worf. Wonder is neither without delight nor extreme. "Chandelier". Syringe. Parallel. Deed. "Elastic Heart". Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



"Elastic Heart".

<add our songs>




Lord Aaron

Judah Prince Carter

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Football. Very Inconspicuous. Group Theory. Lemon Present. Stay outside Eminem. Cloak. Dagger. Black witness. He is. “No, they should know”....