Monday, March 14, 2022

God Needs Time

Zeir Anpin


A choice doesn't happen without value in a belief.


Who are you? Figure it out.


The rest is commentary.


Need is to decide, accept and agree, in a belief where you can learn and discover value.


Permission is granted as others let go. These are our stories and the notes ( reasons ) of our song.


Does space exist without a measure of time? Yes.


A choice, belief, and value total three as the implicit language of math in not one, not two, but three ( Now we're talking ) dimensions of space. Valued in time describes science. A fact and fiction that we explain. In our stories, with our song. ( Language, math, science, and meaning )

Where math ( sequence, linear, order ), time ( valued ), science. In this space, where we are given permission to ask, our stories are told.

Keter is your choice, your action ( A willful act of separation ) ( Expression of your desire. What is desire? Action of Want. Want is To Turn, To Move in Attraction. The Causality of the Collapse of Space. That is, To Turn in Attraction is to Start with Loving Yourself )

Chochma is where you place your value

Binah is in what you place your belief

Daat is knowledge gained from your experience ( But experience happens in Malchut ( In action where does your belief matter ) So what's real, the knowledge of your experience or this reality? Thus we live in trust of God ( Perfect Form of Belief, Origin: ( Daat: As from knowledge we created God ) I know enough and if others don't ( not one ) change about me, who am I? And, who am I among others if not ( not two ) to mind my own thoughts? ( A witness of my own reflection. Observant of, and accountable for, my own actions ) that ( in trust ) our life ( of Fragile Identity: To Turn, To Move ) matters. ) ( Starts and Radiates from Chesed )

From the knowledge of experience, we created God, the Perfect Form of Belief, in value of and for our life. "I claim my knowledge." And, "How am I created if not from experience, meaning, in trust of God?" Our libraries are filled with records of our actions in value of our beliefs.

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