Tuesday, April 26, 2022


Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Somebody had to heal from being molested. Sympathy. Lamech. Junction. Aqueduct. Drowning. Tomorrow. Acquire. Residue makes stains. Last. We were slow learners. No. No. Things. Strictly. Skin made math. Plus. Plus. Close. Checking. Full. Blow. "For Real". Scope. Lace. We held. Now. "Laalach". Summons. Same. Bipolar. Parallax. Masturbatory. Skill. Would you fail? Goodbye. So long. Ten. Fold. Awareness. Took a hold. "Something". Raw. Deal. Who is? Tubular. Funnel. Bipolar. Male. Aqueduct. Tailor. Burst. Let. You. Guacamole. Farm. Animals. "The Sun, The Moon, The Truth". Go. "Down". Ram. Truck. Built. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"For Real". https://youtu.be/86Oqp4NKcZw

"Laalach". https://youtu.be/EQ1NYfo8lX8

"Something". https://youtu.be/vPeIsO12ZJc

"The Sun, The Moon, The Truth". https://youtu.be/wPsSPofGlRE

"Down". https://youtu.be/O51svgEzRCA

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