Monday, July 18, 2022


You described what you call a lady. Is. Poop. Butterscotch. Hormonal. You move you lose. Got any candy? Leroy. Great. Fuck her. Here. Roar in your cave. No growling. Band. No. Ice cream. Bury. I am. "The Worst". Last. Endeavor. Suck. Squirt. Masturbate. Leave. Boy. Queen. Illias. Sample. Foaming. Horizon. Sweat. Bottle. Parents. Garage. Parenthesis. Super. Duck. Pigeon. Hole. Scare. Loaf. Bread. Human. Civilization. M. Hadar. Easter. Egg. Hunt. "Damn it Jim, where is the rest of my pipe?" Please. Thank you. Sir or madam. Surface cleaner. Episode. One. Numero. Uno. You know. Laughable. Tuesday. Dot. Seven. Fifteenths. I'm coming. Home. D3. Men. Penthouse. Castle. Motte. Pool. Standing. Three. Fifteenths. Torch. Fifty. Three. Mall. Surrender.


"The Worst".

<add our songs>


Surface cleaner


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