Saturday, July 30, 2022


Vaccinate. Serenade. Wish. Bone. London. Super. Low. Weak. By a nail. Slurp on entry. Let's do this again. Grandmaster Flash. I need somebody to talk to. Soup. Pageantry. Hustler. Pillow. Pie. Clandestine. Children. Missed. Management. Monkey. Kugel. Mizar. Absence makes dearly departed. Tito. Howard. Vanessa. All. Deuce. Slaughter. Makes. Niggas. Free. Bar. Par. Fume. Window. Case. Surrounding. Reluctance. A causality between resistance is futile. Belonging. Waldo. If the difference was made. Long gates. "Tell Me". Which. End. Verb. Breasts will be treated. Component. Time. Isn’t? Aphid. Biomolecules. Salt. Water. Density. Manatees. No bread. Soon. Upper. Echelon. Clock. Deliver. Alone before history is considerate. One. Here is your bath. Sour. Milk. Cleans. Stain. Wash. 5115. Sup. Inner me. Child. King. Brunt. Mirror.


"Tell Me".

<add our songs>


No bread




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Desert Storm

Utility. Huntress. Mandelbrot. Prey. Benefactor. Aware. Simultaneous. Do you like soap? Does a leopard know her spots? Quesadilla. Mostly. S...