Gosling. Corn and a dollar. Second wheel. Amber. Hoe. Down. I cannot understand math. Strawberry fields. Masquerade. Going on forever. Hell is a ride. Vegetation. You owe me. Mercury. Evil. Shot to hell. Mars swap. Mustard oil. Cotten seed. Nobody is that needy. I can explain. Rescind. Address. "I'm Your Boogie Man". Please. You couldn't. I would not believe it. You could. Answer. Hypothetically. Jack, be nimble. Hercules. Brut. Unto me. Jack, be nimble. Walter Kronkite.
"Puss in Boots". https://g.co/kgs/f9Y27y
"I'm Your Boogie Man". https://youtu.be/HT0wGSbASZE
"Now". https://youtu.be/Aautd-mDJkQ
"Synaptic Pruning". https://youtu.be/wUcnklhIC0o Rudeboy.
"Redbone". https://youtu.be/YFic-xaLsPs
<add our songs> Ace of spades.
Walter Kronkite. Glass hammer. Milk. Sunshine. Denmark. Flip. Over. 98. Sanchez. Midtown. Hard as a rock. Dwindle. Mercedes. Prestige. In the booty. Rubber mats. Cloth fiber. Let it go. Thirty seconds. Heels. Playhouse. Together. Yummy.
"Day 3: When You Want To Love". https://youtu.be/_p1Jnh648y0 Lump. Beats.
<add our songs> Kiss it. Suck it. Licorice. Candy. Blow job. Lanes. On entry. "Es". Plural. Fascinated.
"The Witness". https://g.co/kgs/QdyM9t
<add our references> Backward. Again. Fire. Magnanimous. Slope.
"Left Side Drive". https://youtu.be/nEdMHsQI2eY
<add our songs>
"Toronto". https://youtu.be/q9t8wm6gfIg I am truly a believer. Let go. Stop. Can you resend this? Please.
"Lady". https://youtu.be/T210Fo2jt5c
Correction. <add our songs> You thought Mercury was stupid. Simple. Hurts. Print. Neighborhood. Stack.
"Retrograde". https://youtu.be/6p6PcFFUm5I
<add our songs> Pop. Stop. Mom. Take her. Yes. Yes. I am not Helio Monster Man. Soccer. Academy. University. Students. Take heed. Lo and behold. Last days. Double arrow. @HelioMonsterMan Swirl. Yes. Yes.
Watts. Prestige. Nice. Umbrella. Rumor. Makeshift. "Racer X". Silk. Platforms. Pajamas. Compartment. Coachella. Bathwater included.
Corner Reference
"Racer X". https://g.co/kgs/xNb12z "Makeda". https://youtu.be/xlPnUoDqDoE
2. <add our songs> "My Place".
"My Place". https://youtu.be/1SoxFgHfj_I
<add our references>
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