Tuesday, November 17, 2020


Isla. This is so strong. Does my visual acuity match my visual perception? Yes. Great is the curvature of space where time exists. You were made to overthink what to forget. Bred with the hippocampus as the center of attention. And then you searched for space. A room to rest the mind of your thoughts. You calibrated coordinates. Distance. Span. Width. Breadth. Today you hold thoughts down while I consider where to come back to them. Belief in time is measured as moments now. There. Others observe an opportunity to connect. Where answers are coordinated for timely measure and not calculated. Concealed facts. Random chanced opportunity. Considered for growth. Attracted to the sentiment of moments with you.

Unspoken learned behavior. Witness the cadence of your peace. Stay there. Grace is the vortex of your spin landing on the surface of my black hole. Insert. Pull out. Again. Repeat this physical pleasure. Cry with this certain act. Connect as much as you can with others. Build potential throughout the day. Celebrate the arrival at sundown when you cum together. "Best Part". I can find you when I am true to myself. And now I can see where the consideration for care exists. "River" of "Gold". Fuck. Yes.

You need warmth from the sun. Do you remember when I hurt for yesterday? Connect. Flamenco. How do you move the contour of space around? Match her appeal. Do not step on your dad's love. Leave before consideration. Trauma is an irresistible pain that can not be released. Isla. Do not be afraid. Hold your own "Body". Embrace change. Lust for attraction. For surzzee. If I can see the planet where am I from? Ask. What teaches the comprehension of knowledge before you exist? Discover. Arc. Angel. Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter.

"You're Not The Man". I want to stop and there your answer is not enough. "If You Just Let Me" you will feel my presence. This is nice. Wisdom helps me understand humanity. That is why I wrote an ontology. Your country can now understand too. Yes Isla. Please. Wear that mini sundress. The one that clings. See. This happens outside of my domain. "Hello". "Please Don't Make Me Cry". She is the Queen. That is the fucked up part. The crystal should have stayed. Queen Lianne Charlotte Barnes. Bravo. The star closes the curtain. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.


"Best Part". https://youtu.be/fD4rxj7-uO0

"River". https://youtu.be/lHRAPIwsS5I

"Gold". https://youtu.be/hi4pzKvuEQM

"Body". https://youtu.be/Cihr9OWsEuk

"You're Not The Man". https://youtu.be/ru2gaH2shc0

"If You Just Let Me". https://youtu.be/WX8SFlmHTLo

"Hello". https://youtu.be/YQHsXMglC9A

"Please Don't Make Me Cry". https://youtu.be/qwPJd6nQV9Y

<add our songs>


"In The Morning". https://youtu.be/dHCKQfUwC6Y

Our Music

Isla. "Lil Darlin". Start with the God damn playlist. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.


"Lil Darlin". https://youtu.be/10wmPdT5kIo

<add our songs>

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