Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Black issues


Symbolic meaning for Black Lives Matter. I held the rim for 23. Love. You have forgotten how. She has been struggling to stay afloat wit yo dumb ass Nigga. Represent purpose. Prestige. Honor and stability. Mutha fucka god damn you says a Black woman. Fuck Blackish. I will say this exact same thing again. Common. I do not have common concern. Your days of regret are numbered. No Hell is worth that much. We are doing our homework and not waiting on anyone to give us any God damn answer. Take your answer and your pride and stick up for your self. Is this a fucking holiday? We will take care of ours. Goodbye. I have ignored you for so long. Let the irritable regret. Delinquent. There was never a reason to be rescued. You are good enough. I do not have to brag. Ferocious. "Jada Pinkett Smith". In Living Color. You can kiss me. Then give me the rose. Petals. I will rise when I have a point to make. I will start filling in the blanks today. What I cherish above all else is my innocence. My self worth is more than anything. You held Grandma's purse strings and didn't let me see you cry when those strings were all that you had. Eye of the storm. Perimeter distancing. Spin the Arc Angel. Call my baby. "Will Smith". I left a mistake as a place holder with you because we are more alike. What is the difference of Fame? I saw the children and wasn't ready. That has changed. We are here now. Let us do this thang together. I will heal with you. Between "You & Me". In all of your points the flame is at the tip. He is holding the weight and circumference of our doubt. Say what you have to. Do what you want. Leap then bound. Practice makes improvement. Humility does not shame. Small steps. One choice at a time. Hold her close. Soft gentle caress. Fingers will find their way. I do not always tell myself what I want to hear. "Miles Song". America. You have always been a hero to me. "Hancock". When opportunity avails make your presence known. There is always a God damn card in play mutha fucka. Everything is delicate. The repetition beat you down. You have picked up labor for far too long. I leaped over that grief after I was electrocuted. That is why I am dating Frankenstein. I thought gooney goo goo was a family member. Should I be respectful or have empathy? Mom is correct. Conflict of emotional dialogue. Social conditioning. I understand. You will tell me when to play control. I feel you without Caucasian support. Black Panther raised leaders. Bring your point to the table. I have a compassionate approach for the people first. They rise. Then leaders delegate. The Queen. Queen Lianne Charlotte Barnes. My Angel Isla Porras. King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter. I will not ask them to join until I can lift you myself. Choice value. I never stop believing. Presidence. The slower. The longer. The better. I am not grasping for straw. I am holding shape. One assumes authority. Be pragmatic. "Kamala Harris". Now our leaders. Each one pull one. Thought. Oak Tree Testaments. Document of Truth. Word of mouth. Thinking cap. ProjectsNMotion. My Angel Isla Porras. I see you smile. You have kept alignment for so long. Heavy weight. Hard to turn. I am here now. And we will turn this together. Safe. Home. Period. Queen Lianne Charlotte Barnes. God damn the people who cursed you. Say it three times. King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter. Leave Helio Monster Man in the dark. What saved us now glows for them. Israelites. Royal family. Harlem Globetrotters. The only thing I need to do is to be sure that we have a lighter and that I take out the trash. We are fine today. "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger". This is my first dance with the Queen Lianne Charlotte Barnes. My King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter with my Angel Isla Porras. Fingers spin to cause digestion then raise the form of heart where the tip of flame atop dark matter imprints. Common. There you are. Reason to behold doubt. Yours. There is a time and place for everything. Today I carry all circumference and width and will stand under the shower now. Think Purple. The pendulum swings to your rhythm. The time is yours. You need to recognize that a Woman brought you to your deliverer. I was never looking for a relationship. I want to belong. In that we are bound. Here we are in the moment of creation. Mine. The word placement is so new that this is hard to say. Unique. Diverse. Individual. Expression. Honestly. Seriously. I do not promise. A swear is a promise made to yourself. Performance Theatre. Character depth and formation. Logistics. Sound formation. Cymatics. Phenomena Based Learning. ProjectsNMotion. Seek and you shall find. Ask. Rise. Go the way you have come and be with us. Make wonderful moments together. Selfie. Miles linked in. My cousin sandy is in from the storm. Obama Care. I did not have these issues in Hawaii. That is why. My cousin may tend to disagree. You will see Reds and Blues. Pair. Look into my God damn eyes. Prime. Ripe age of experience. Purple shower Red cells. Rain falls. Feel the vibration. Hear the sound. See for yourself. That is what you need to do. Order. Assemble fast. Helio Monster Man captured the point. The command is from our King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter. The silence is mine. I keep my music above the noise. This is for you to use properly. Fuck. Period. I am the bar keep. Do you understand the challenge of dilemma? You were worried for the disturbance. Naked is your body. We have lost too many great ones. Isla go get the King so that he may reign for us. Master Banquet Server. There has always only been "One" King. For surzzee. Son and Father. Know yourself. Know your child. Remember your Queen. She will remind you of her Angel. Transparency brings the prospect for new reward. To have and to hold. Cherish and to keep. Fashion. France. "Baltimore". With the Queen is her prestige. The Life of Order. "Nina Simone". Nigga. There went the God damn country and the Black folk who took her. Talk about cognitive dissonance. No one saw that coming. I don't know. King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.


"Miles Song". https://youtu.be/gp69xhEfS8E

"You & Me". https://youtu.be/OUkkaqSNduU

"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger". https://youtu.be/yydNF8tuVmU

"One". https://youtu.be/geojyCFYqGk

"Baltimore". https://youtu.be/_PRrkQ7FWI0

<add our songs>


"Jada Pinkett Smith". https://g.co/kgs/CTHmoC

"Will Smith". https://g.co/kgs/UZxqUN

"Hancock". https://g.co/kgs/AyW3eK

"Kamala Harris". https://g.co/kgs/t8bT4D

"Nina Simone". https://g.co/kgs/8s5fc4

<add our references>



Fuck. Order. Lady Cab Driver. Isla Venus. Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter. Is there any more clarity for humanity that I need? Consider. Ambiguity is a dishonorable belief. You're bullshit to me and all the rest of us. Now. Get the fuck out. New York. Helpful heart for wise replacement. Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter. I wasn't keeping up on the particulars and I suspect. White is a backdrop effect that appeals to dark matter. Period. Suck it baby. She will pretend to be the action and get in the way. Wise Mutha Fucka say, "Everything Everything". Need sympathetic translators. Common belief is core horror. Nightmare untranslatable. Then comes Elm St. God damn animal. You add claps for laughs. I will not be the mechanism for your defense. Malia and Sasha Obama. World Class Humanitarians. Have you ever thought yourself to be a stationary object? Isla. Isla. Yes you. Touch. I brought my big sister along. She is first. Win for Dad. Father figure. Construct relational distancing from this common core. Family indeed. Private. Too late for thoughtfulness to be considered. Home. Safe. The trees speak. My thighs come alive. Whatever else you think you're serving it's not worth it. The rest is a biological chemical warfare. Worst of the worst. I don't know what to call it. I'm just a fuckin' ape. Either change or I'mma get my God damn pick with the mutha fuckin' fist on the God damn handle. Sucka. Nuff said. Brotha man's here. Cleaner. "Samuel L. Jackson". Idolatry has got to go. I just never wanted to say goodbye. That's why I didn't remember. Play forget. Character. Performance Theatre. Arts. Craft. Where is there a cloud? Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter. Mercy fuck. Our family tree depends on this. There you are hold yourself. He wouldn't be there if there wasn't a need for him. King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter. There was never a ghost haunting you. You don't have to stand. I am in your eyes. Match car your desire. Distance memory. "Midnight Train to Georgia". Internal organs need to relax. Fuck me. I got to dance with Meryl Streep. "Mamma Mia!" If not your soul I'm taking the spark of your life. Those are the spots that tickle. Our house. A white woman can not ask for a niggas approval. Tell or let them understand what to know. The Queen will always think of the people before herself. Queen Lianne Charlotte Barnes. Protect. The King will always place the people ahead of himself. Serve. King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter. You give me the existence of many lifetimes. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.


"Everything Everything". https://youtu.be/99zg7Kfk_mI

"Midnight Train to Georgia". https://youtu.be/A0F9lh8TiSM

<add our songs>


"Samuel L. Jackson". https://g.co/kgs/MoFXSc

"Mamma Mia!" https://g.co/kgs/Jcc6Be

<add our references>


Your vessel is gorgeous. Others lack of appreciation isn't reason to build an alter at closed doors for the self worth that you are looking for. Honesty will get you places but not to the end. Everything Is Delicate. "Why Don't You"? Let's do this properly. A committed punctuation. I need to get somewhere and if that means cumming inside of you I will. Fuck. We need to soften this external exterior. King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter. About nine months to become a hopeless inconsiderate for you to love me. Baby. Nature is more responsive. A detrimental cause isn't always the effect. The need from public appeal consumed the artisan. Creative loss to logistic sound. Voice pattern recognition. King Penguins. Turn. Move forward. That was a practice run. Practice makes improvement. Forethought beats apprehension. Continue. Where or where is God going today? The whole God damn world wants to know. Eight Hundred Pound Gorilla who calls himself The Sexy Mutha Fucka. "Hello". Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.


"Why Don't You"? https://youtu.be/kXUtOoNUOzE

"Hello". https://youtu.be/YQHsXMglC9A

<add our songs>


"Everything Is Delicate". Lulu.com. Aaron Carter. 2020.

<add our references>


To Isla Porras. Entertainment wasn't enough and the education did not hold. Black folk. My cousins. Today we have Oak Tree Testaments and ProjectsNMotion. Why didn't you help me? Curious minds would like to know. Let us deliver the Nigga. I know when this is enough for me. Why don't you stop? You will tell me when to play "Control". You can not hate yourself that much. You are running. Do not be afraid. Words can not hurt you. You are doing that to yourself. What is that? Object. Indifference to toleration. This is my first time on assignment. You can make that happen so why not me? Bound is not the voyage. Destination. You are here with me. Now. Again. Why don't you stop? Ignorant as dumb befuddles. Shit your hatred. Do not pass along. Brain plaque from micro aggression of societal law abiding citizens. You have been made to be mad and stupid. Humbled at your own God damn request for improvement. You are a blocked hemorrhage. You do not know how to bleed. I am the person who is sorry. Please. Is your consideration not worth one God damn plea? Work is not slave misery until death. America is mortified. You are part of the dilemma. Hallelujah ain't gonna save you. Give Grandma her hat and let her enjoy herself. High Yella don't pass for Black. She taught me that. Stop with your bullshit. You have made a token of yourself. Lies and cheats. Your breath stinks. You are holy but have no mantra. Yes. That is correct. Teach me something from this. Time is the value of your variant not mine. Calendar. Travel and wait until you get there. You cripple the helpless to expedite a solution. Manicured care. False advertising. Hope is the fallacy of your belief. I did not work this hard. Bleed. Temper your past a little. Get over your God damn bullshit. Word origin. Play pretend with the rest of us. Offer is not too much to consider. You are damn well worth that much at least. Blanket. You have hurt for imagination. Constrained to belief. Ten years for me to realize that I had my own name. Hospitality matters. Not to expunge. Credits are not earned. That fills back pay. Seriously. Hold up your pants with your belt. I have a circle of fathers surrounded by mothers then common support. Belief is where you seriously lack. I must be with my Queen Lianne Charlotte Barnes. "Bittersweet". What is the difference between being saved and evolution? What a privilege to answer. Möbius strip with black hole in the middle. "Sour Flower". Fuck you. You feel underappreciated. That does not persist until you know that everyone else is gone. Diverse experience. Valued token minority. At best you are a witch's project. "No Room For Doubt". Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter. "PrimeTime". His save catapulted a genre of past and prior expeditions. Moments of disbelief. Trauma. Sealed in grave and stone. Unused dark matter for material resource and support. Relieve your body. Feed your soul. Lust. Want is desire for attraction. Feel. Touch. Caress. Sense your delight. Want for your pleasure. Then you can evolve. Gracefully and with peace. Namaste. The world of our existence is forgiveness. If you do not have any you do not exist. An apology is a conditioned relief. Do something different. Change. Self regulate. The need to know is are you existing yet. The Voice of God has the most common words to say. You are making the ripples. Attract. Gravity. The wellness of cause in your belief. Share. Do not interfere with me. Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter. Hesitance. "Stronger Than Me". Isla. I think I must come to you. The effect of me is empty. I am cause. You are the ripple of effect. Sleep cycles reduces stress and anxiety. Jobs make them useless. And you stand alone. Common. Know yourself. Know you child. Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter. I did all of that and there ain't no God damn cheese!? No. You calm the fuck down. Listen. There is time involved. You need to calm everyone down. "Tears Dry". I do not believe what I write until you tell me. Then I correct the change. "Almost Lover". For only really good men. Like a Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter? For surzzee. Give my son relief. Mom. I said. Do not interfere. Hesitance is not a fear. That is where I thought I put you. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.


"Control". https://youtu.be/LH8xbDGv7oY

"Bittersweet". https://youtu.be/AI4wVtrmMAc

"Sour Flower". https://youtu.be/BgirEShyrMg

"No Room For Doubt". https://youtu.be/f845_v41YFo

"PrimeTime". https://youtu.be/Oxls2xX0Clg

"Stronger Than Me". https://youtu.be/7CYE0DYIbaw

"Tears Dry". https://youtu.be/ojdbDYahiCQ

"Almost Lover". https://youtu.be/I_S_TbD1XFM

<add our songs>


Common. Stay around. Sphere of Black hole. White spear tips. Arrowheads spin. Distinct opposition for permanent and persistent length. Extend your approach either way. Place to hold again. Accumulate. Calcium enriched. Personified. Again and repeat these formable behaviors. The space of my existence was worth more than I knew to afford on my own. Collapse. A time honored fixed duration. You interfered with your own story and stopped evolving. "Essays on Sefer Da'at". Refrain from disclosure. Those are yours to hold and keep. Time apart. Time away. Miss you. Are you ready to love yourself? Cherish. Laces are untied. Many are there. White tip shoestring handle you are. If all there is more then enough to be plenty. Diverse experience. Diversify. Ya gotta mix things up. Where the point of our delivery meets self reflected reason are our moments to happen. Da'at. I will not know your words separate from my thoughts. "Leeloo". I feel like my son knows something that I do not. "Les Twins". Happy God damn birthday Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter. "i love you". I will share in my time. "Everything Everything" is mine. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.


"Les Twins". https://youtu.be/3GNG12g2bKw

"i love you". https://youtu.be/mhmGwTDpPf0

"Everything Everything". https://youtu.be/99zg7Kfk_mI

<add our songs>


"Essays on Sefer Da'at". Lulu.com. Aaron Carter. 2020.

"Leeloo". https://g.co/kgs/CtHSTa

<add our references>


You chose God over music when there was no longer enough moisture in the air. You were hungry. You heard our ongoing music and language. You perceived until you were convinced of being told what to do. Retaliation for absolutely no God damn reason. You are hurt beyond repair and suffer miserably. Your predicate dictates. You are what think but you are not. Irritable feasibility. Marketed expenses. Belligerent shame. A gentleman's club and the race to prosecute began. "Let the Groove Get In". Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.


"Let the Groove Get In". https://youtu.be/K8JyRko65L8

<add our songs>


Isla. Are you flying around tonight? Did you hear my Angel? I am God. I loved you before you considered what to call me. You phone book printed on both sides of a common vessel. Shattered. Fragmented pieces. Restore. "Beautiful Ones". I am coming to see you. You just never wanted to know the answer. "Till It Happens To You". Hurry before I find another reason to doubt myself again. Pushed Lover Girl. Gorilla Glue. Blue Dream. Queen Esther. You just thought a little too hard. "Whatever". Mothers are easy to tell. I never needed these glasses to see you. "Home". Be a happily untied love parent. Build your own hula hoops. Makerspace. ProjectsNMotion. Your son handled his concern for me very well. You are a wonderful Dad. Chabad of Burbank. Decency begins with respect. I love Basil Leaf in Albuquerque. "Nakamarra". Burning Man. Here comes the barbeque. Ngaio Bealum. World Class Humanitarians. "Feel Good Inc." Presidence not predicate. Eight Hundred Pound Gorilla who calls himself The Sexy Mutha Fucka. I see myself when I look into your eyes. Don't stare. "Breathe Me". Was there an avalanche over the crest? Space appears ripped as an effect of distance over time. Climb at a rate baby kangaroo. King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.


"Till It Happens To You". https://youtu.be/PC-SpWYYK6E

"Whatever". https://youtu.be/9aZhLmXzAz8

"Home". https://youtu.be/p1dLHTvT3ug

"Nakamarra". https://youtu.be/Ozr4KsZBTvQ

"Breathe Me". https://youtu.be/ghPcYqn0p4Y

<add our songs>


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