Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Angel Isla Porras

One is not lonely. One is the only. "Why Don't You". Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter. He made a mistake because he saw the children. Then he learned from his behaviors. Father. There is point of direction. Are you gay? "Les Twins". I can not tell if I am holding the screen or they are moving. Organic motion. I hold back for everyone else to experience the joy of sharing. This is my birthday. Be open for a new experience. Recall who is following you. Theirs are moments to cherish loving themselves. Be transparent. They called me Uncle. I have lived through everything I have taught. Concentrate. Thought. Place. Turn. Movement. You are. I have had relative experiences. I do not know you. I am Humanity. You are trying to make believe a story just for you. Listen. That is all of us. Repetition prepares you for the moment of expression. Repetition means take your time and learn to count. I feel your applause but you can hold that too. Interesting when you think time is the variant when you know that it isn't. Practice makes improvement. Speak your mind. Practice your character. Now. To the stage. Performance Theatre. Character Art. Mine are the children. I see myself in them. Red is the vibrant color for cellular growth. We met on the crest with your partner in Albuquerque. Not too far from "Strawberry Fields". Dem yo cousins. Those are your kids. Your son is two faced. Common origin story. Humanity is having a conversation. Does not matter with whom. "Me, Myself and I". You are outside the sphere of benefit. Sting baby. "The Internet". Like a fuckin' hornet. What is the difference? Didn't I see you in my dorm? Ask. "Do the Right Thing". I will relax when I am done working. Last time was forty years in the wilderness. I don't know how long this will take. Done. Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter. I took out the garbage. Imagine that we are in the same place. Go there. Attraction will bring us closer. My favorite place is sitting under a tree with Nelson Mandela eating Apple slices with Almond butter. Everyone is holding their matter to learn the reasons to accept trusting you. Honesty will get you places but not to the end. Everything is delicate. I am going back there. "When Night Was Calling". Be the cause of your own hormonal balance. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.


"Why Don't You". https://youtu.be/kXUtOoNUOzE

"Les Twins". https://youtu.be/ldXFx9UHD6A

"Me, Myself and I". https://youtu.be/4S37SGxZSMc

"When Night Was Calling". https://youtu.be/CudJz_mCQ1I

<add our songs>


"Strawberry Fields". https://g.co/kgs/9bpzpo

"The Internet". https://g.co/kgs/NQSTSP

"Do the Right Thing". https://g.co/kgs/iuJAu6

<add our references>


Small packages come in five fingers. Handy work. Gifts are bundled in size. You never learned how to teach your son how to be a father. There was never an account that big worth paying that amount. I am reluctant and avoid the attraction when I can not do anything about us being together. "Crush". The core of the Earth is closer in age to you and I. There once was a cave person who went around telling the other cave people to look at their reflection in the pond and say, "That is me." Study spin and the ear canal then holla back. Do I hear a reflex or is your throat gagging? "Back To Black". Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter. The bearer of bad news spoils the relief of letting go. Tell them everything that you want another capable person to know. Help is a missed date and lack of appropriate funds. There is always a card in play. The word you speak has greater depth of association among others. I hear you. I do not have to be with you. We are responding to a likely occurrence of the same moment. That is good enough. We share more in common with the structured fabric of our bodies than the random occurrence of thoughts we value choose to believe have relevance or not. "Rehab". Relevance is how you swing your mood. Stay curious. She is as if someone built a stage for her and placed her inside. Isla. "Break of Dawn". Words mount your expectations to be released for you to exhale and breathe again. Reason a persistent supply of oxygen to your brain. One is not lonely. One is the only. Respond to what she is saying not to what you heard. Heaven can be what you hold onto. Cherish. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.


"Crush". https://youtu.be/9SGHPQ2FVm8

"Back To Black". https://youtu.be/TJAfLE39ZZ8

"Rehab". https://youtu.be/KUmZp8pR1uc "Break of Dawn". https://youtu.be/O8ELJ_Eh8A0

<add our songs>

Isla. They used advertisement to control the most popular belief to rest their common glare of reflection. Concern remained objectified to their idols mantras and success. Their core imprint is now me. Look in the mirror. Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter. There's my dad. I got you a penny. Son. Let's watch "The Get Down" by the "River". Man conquer machine. What I do is where my environment is. Creatures of habit. Learn while soaring. Thought is full when dictates the mind. Center yourself then ground particulars. Coffee. Add Organic French Vanilla Creamer to mine. Nigga. I ain't smellin' yo breath. Teeth. Aromatherapy. We will talk about the particulars when you get off work. My body ain't ya God damn shame thing for adult pleasure. Give my ladies a ring. Use my "Telephone". I will take care of my God damn self. You witnessed this happen with me. Maid servants. Can I take off my shirt? Are you aroused? Come here. Inspect. Follow me. One day French promotion. He will beat the hurt out of himself before harming you. Introduction. Dad. "Essays on Sefer Da'at". Bring that cat in this house when I tell you. No more God damn holla at ya monster alert. I am done. Grace is yours. Girl. Boys are my girls too. I am horny as fuck. If you do not want to fuck get the fuck out. Eventually this repeated behavior is gonna learn ya somethin'. Yeah. Adulting sucks. I am the ripe age for this experience to be here now. Riddle me this Happenstance. Do you want Goldilocks or not? "Ok bye bye". Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.


"River". https://youtu.be/lHRAPIwsS5I

"Telephone". https://youtu.be/EVBsypHzF3U

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"The Get Down". https://g.co/kgs/uH23cz

"Essays on Sefer Da'at". Lulu.com. Aaron Carter. 2020.

"Ok bye bye". Yes. That is forever. Every last one of us are "Born This Way". Nigga. Whatchu doin'? Just tryin' to be proper. It's easier for you to believe what I am thinking than to explain everything all at once. Conundrum. Queen Lianne Charlotte Barnes. My Angel Isla Porras. Scribe. King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter. I'm a Nigga. This feels so yummy and good. How would God handle this situation? Basic life. Creation. This has been a long journey. Wash my feet. Transform your pain into cathartic healing for others. Write. Tell your story. Document of Truth. Oak Tree Testaments. You are okay. Look at my tears. That boy needs a job. I am dealing with the effect and searching for the cause. Eat this. Culinary institute. Master Banquet Server Aaron Carter. I made it to Heaven without contradicting myself and you have also. Your language bound your defeat. "Twice". The Queen. Queen Lianne Charlotte Barnes reminds the King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter to raise and lift up his Angel Isla Porras "Into Orbit". Las Vegas. Les Twins. France. Your pastries make my eyes sweat. Five star dining. Y'all hear dat? We gon eat good. Cooking on high. My Chef Ngaio Bealum. "Burning Man". Lies are white for a necessary truth. I see you. Take your time to heal. I have business to attend. You speak so nicely. Cows trained us when not to be bothered. I did not know I just did that. "Fly Away". She says, "Tell them what you think they want you to say". Don't say too much. Anything for my King's Angel Isla Porras. Do you understand the look of annoying? As in what you are being. Private. Asking all of the questions orients how you reincarnate to find the answer. "Everything Is Delicate". Stop living off a plant based diet. Relax. Cum a little to a lot. Letting go is not in the Constitution and someone has to do it. The President. King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter. Message sent. Period. I am keeping this. Command your language. Command your self. Common must accept and agree. Polarity. Fuck. "Polar". I don't need a weapon. Mads Mikkleson. You were cursed when you met me. "Feel". Y'all will know what's up when you play this song. Sing along. Come on. I know you can do it. Fuck me baby. "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger". The sun is burning gas. Three splash leaf pattern. Glass. Matter. Art. Reflection. Arc. Light. Slide. Tongue. Mouth. Lips. Road. Response. Action. Voice. Black hole center. Surface. Rise. Lift. Span. Ripple. Wave. Enunciate. Voice formation. Ocean. Speak language. Common arrive. "Here". Head first. I felt this was coming. You do not need a translator. You are alright. Don't be so sensitive. Here. Let me hold it for you. Humanity is a conversation. There are never enough points to overwhelm the weight and circumference of doubt until a new King arrives to carry them away. I am certain that I am who I am. Conquering relative symbology liberates you. Overwhelming belief frees them. Heal traumatic end points. Nerve endings. Breathe. You raise a flame along the hills and crests of dark matter to form your nervous system that accumulates space dust from within the womb. Woman. She is one plus me. If she did not believe in life you would not be here today. Isla. "Say You'll Go". Can you catch up with light? Turn. Move forward. Does time have an arrow? Yes. One. King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. 2020.


"Born This Way". https://youtu.be/wV1FrqwZyKw

"Twice". https://youtu.be/TrpMncSZe-I

"Into Orbit". https://youtu.be/dAQHIx5FCKg

"Fly Away". https://youtu.be/EvuL5jyCHOw

"Feel". https://youtu.be/VMzIBNC_ojI

"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger". https://youtu.be/yydNF8tuVmU

"Here". https://youtu.be/UKp2CrfmVfw

"Say You'll Go". https://youtu.be/k_P08n8cyYk

<add our songs>


"Burning Man". https://g.co/kgs/A8WnDs

"Everything Is Delicate". Lulu.com. Aaron Carter. 2020.

"Polar". https://g.co/kgs/mKefGN

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