Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Space

The Queen's Ontology. "M87". How far away must our solar system be to observe three rotations of M87 as Morning, Nooners and Night? Selfish. Yes. Opportunity are the goals that you reach. Reach for the Next. Now. You there. I am increasing Life. Mother. Aliens reboot. Be true to your words. I take back your Life and return them to Common. Belief to esteem the confidence. That's your Name? I didn't think you were Real. I learn. "Angie Stone". I was almost lost without you. Say your Name. "Angie Stone". Correct. Announce yourself. The Space. I just thought something here was mine. Chores are a duty to cleanliness. Feels good. Yes. Yes. And the winner is. "Burn The Pages". Marching Band drum roll. Juxtaposition. Juggernaut Classification. Yes. I doubt very seriously that you will ever forget me. No. I won't. "Our Love Is Easy". Burning Man. Celebrate. The Queen's Asylum Ice Cream Parlor. Yes. My nose is running. Least. Common. Denominator. The rest is my order. Relax. The rest is relaxation. Incredible. Yes. Watch us. Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter with His Angel Isla Porras. Together. A literal definition of meaning for the act. "All To You". Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.


"Burn The Pages".

"Our Love Is Easy".

"All To You".

<add our songs>

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