Tuesday, December 29, 2020

God damn

Snowflakes are people. Oh. We are all going that way. Away from the Black hole. And therefore seem to appear as if the center of it all. Galactic metropolis. Yes. Candlelight by dinner. You do not have to pay attention while eating. Slurp Oysters. Starlight. Sandy Beach. Firepit. The rate of the pose. Inner Rim Bouncing. She will believe her doubtful wishes have become The Dream. Greater than a thousand generations of ignoring God. Woman. I don't have to be on time. Arrival. Slippers. Marijuana. Peppermint Candy. Path of least resistance. The last thing I know was counting the number of days here. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter with His Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. Problems with knowing who I am. Calculable hope through the most centric spin. Everyone elses belief in One God or at least the Same God. A Devil with Angelic wings. What happens now is from many universal iterative hops. Skull formation. Grey matter. Goose. Picture. Geese. Greece. My friend was giving me the compliments that I avoided giving myself while I was attracted to everyone else saying my name hatefully. I know enough to design Dark matters. Nigga. Hard. Single Dad. Yes. God damn. Awareness. Colors acknowledge the vibrance. Yes. We agree to the time. Mine. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter with His Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. Acknowledgement is the receipt. There is no worth in being told what to do. Listen with compassion. Anybody can do that. Birth to anyone who becomes. Next. I am. The rest is what happens. Next. Yes. Creation. Common. Language. Black people. Not necessarily White. Kitchen counter. I am just healing Sir. Proper. Yes. Waves do not come. You will go around. "Sexual Healing". Blow Me. Fuck. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. His Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.


"Sexual Healing". https://youtu.be/i8UASM9pg4w

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Blow Me

You doubt the value of me caring for myself. Blow me. The poles are where we could say our final goodbye without ever letting go. Good job. You see through my observance. I had to imagine yours. Don't look. "Dive". I'll wait. King. Angel. Queen or King. Angel. Skipper. See my reflection without harassing me. Fine. Park your ass. Listen with your awareness. The Last are First. You require self discipline. Believe me. You need. You are never yourself again. Live long. Hair discriminates. Mom. Let yours grow. Beautiful. That was my experience because I heard you say, "Beautiful", even though we are separated by mirrors. Change your own environment. Leave others alone. "Back to Black". Jay-Z. Wrap your lips. You are not here for the first beginning. Smash bereavement. Your beast looks well. Never sadness the concern. Cry. If you can see yourself in a mirror then Life has been figured out. What is the last thing you want to remember before leaving the scenery. "Thank you". Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter with His Angel Isla Porras. Yes. You are gracious. Yes. Point. Make yours. Yes.


"Dive". https://youtu.be/OIOntfVPBsw

"Back to Black". https://youtu.be/TJAfLE39ZZ8

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Fill with Empathy. This is the Soul Train leaving. I love Black people too. You do not have six million dollars and I do not want your technology. No. I do not. That is correct. "Heaven". Triplets teared at the abrupt. The Women of Central Column. The only capture of any expectable moment. Confess and you will clarify meaning with yourself. I am transparent. Upside down walking on the clouds to you. The Earth is plentiful. Common. I care for you. Yes. The Queen. Queen Lianne Charlotte Barnes. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter with His Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. Helio Monster Man. Yes.


"Heaven". https://youtu.be/_56zm2U6GjM

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Calculate how much scope time I would have from the surface of the Moon looking at M87. Yes. Helio Monster Man. Yes. Sixth grade math and middle schools. Present to me. ProjectsNMotion announcement. Ready. Set. Go! Markers for the Eons of Space. Teardrop Green leaf above Zen bowl. Floating atop Birthday ribbon Purple river. Creamy Vanilla Ice Cream Cone. Two vortices. Waffles. Syrup. Amber. Bug. Dinosaurs. Organic fertilizer. Yes. Adam. Yes. Jump. Helio Monster Man Aaron Carter with His Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Moments now and to the next. Now. I rest. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes.

Inner Rim Bouncing

Gentle push. The effects of inner rim bounce of dosing tires at constant and variable speeds. Search for limits per material. Hypothesis. Elements with greatest reflective properties will slow the "observant" spin relative to the "witness" spin. Rate the change of approach in the direction that you decide. Approach water molecule strength for turns. Mass regain align approval. As concentric circles inner worlds of role based attraction for an accepted time. Threshold. A lens of approach. Time in space. You are the observer of our effect to be here now. Yes. Describe elements with equations using radians and polar coordinates to map spacial equivalences and "surf the acceleration". Acknowledgement is the receipt. Upside down tear drop Alien head sipping tea. Spank dat ass. Yes. Monster. Yes.



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