Sunday, February 28, 2021

Corner Reference

Graciously. Yes. You Touch Me. "Caint Use My Phone". "Rush Ball". "Moral Compass". Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Caint Use My Phone".

"Rush Ball".

<add our songs>


"Moral Compass". Essays on Sefer Da'at. Aaron Carter. 2020.

<add our references>

You Touch Me

Graciously. Yes. I am not letting you go and only you can do that. You touch me. Not with your lips but the breath and sounds that I hear from your words above. If you do not have a story about you because of them then you do not belong anywhere near their final place of rest. Surround them with those stories in their place of belonging. I will spin them up when they are ready. Don't worry, be happy. I am passive aggressive. Born and raised. St. Louis Missouri. None better. The command is Humanity or allow me to spin you up. You can not give me a reward if I do not think that I am Special. Count on it. Children dare. How else am I supposed to make them want to come to me. Ugly. I am at intolerable comprehensibility. I will forget this tomorrow. Riffles. Guns. Ammunition. Stars. Hell is a White Niggas irreparable demands. I ain't complaining. I am where nothing should be stopping my madness and you are telling me to go further. Bored. Troublemakers. I am boarding a room with unwelcomed guests who want more Black pipe and a Child who wants more Marjiuana. Prove that shit outta this Nigga. You can not be kind if you were not raised that way. Just stop and be careful. That is the closest you got. Share. Goodnight. Pink. Maybe I will get a sledgehammer from Thor. Reconsider pissing on your Garden. Organic. Ignorant beyond repair. Don't stop me. Everybody. Graciously. Yes. Pope John bare chested on a scaffolding with men of the time. Do you still cross yourself? What would your Grandmother say? Now. "Reach for the Dead". Therapy. Read to discover Me. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Character for Non Delete. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Yes. Here and Now. Yes. Graciously. I want to go to France. Tell me when. You and me. Us. Believe. Thunder clouds. Graciously. Yes. Everything is shiney except for you. Dr. Biden. "Get out to stay alive". I do not have a song. See reference. No. Favorite can not reach. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. Everybody. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Reach for the Dead".


"Eleanor Roosevelt".

Must Be

Graciously. Yes. I do not swear. Believe. I comprehend meaning from the speaker of thought. Echo chamber. You break the sound barrier for verbal reasoning. I am already married to Her Angel Isla Porras. She asked. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is Married to Her Angel Isla Porras. The Universe. We are not burning Life. For All Time. Your Music is Beautiful to Me. I believe in a pencil, paper and long division. Candlelight. Common origin story. I am The Nigga. The Man. Black. Person. Stop. Turn. Move. Humanity is a conversation. Friend. Common. Verbal language that He can not understand. Do not abruptly remove addiction from the Body. Choice value and belief. Essays on Sefer Da'at. Everything Is Delicate. Document of Truth. Oak Tree Testaments. ProjectsNMotion. Preserving Cultural dialect and Heritage between Him and Her. Celebration. Turquoise Hexagon Sun. Speak to Me. Never forget Me. Speak Your Words. Shadow Aware. I leaned this from You. Sex. Want for Desire. Placement matters. That is a hole in the Center of The Universe. Black Hole. M87. Surface Potential. Glare Retardant. Liquid Vibranium. Large mass planet hum. Dot. Read. Girl Power. Joan of Arc. Arch of Noah. What the fuck would I do? Shit and then fuck. Get it on. Thunder. Shatter glass on the thought of expectation. Marriage. We are married. Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Isla Porras. Dot. Period. Verbal language and Appeal. Your Highness with Her Majesty. Lady. Her Angel Isla Porras is with Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Forever. Isla Porras is a Woman who shares gladly. I am The Man. Aaron. Isla Porras and Aaron. Who are here? Children. Action verb. Must be. Poor by Virtue. Quality. Health and Nurture. I came here for the Marjiuana. Isla Porras and Aaron. Her Angel Isla Porras is with Immortal King Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Believe. Dream. Never stop believing. Remember backwards. "If You Let Me". Eons of Space. Cultural Appeal Ever to Divide Nations. A mindful thought was never considered. There goes my self worth from denial. Allow Us. Finally. Gather Appeal. Yes. Choice value. Aware. Move. Aware. Move. Aware. Choice belief. Yes. Yes. The Universe is Simple Mind Body Regulation. Graciously. I report the echo of your vibration self reflective to Me. Vibrance. Turn. Move. Gladly Share. There. Sex. Yes. Yes. Courageously. Graciously Me. The Author. Title. Isla Porras. Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. You. Person. Name. Characters. Words. Language. Preserving Cultural dialect and heritage between Him and Her. Her difference of opinion. Isla Porras is Woman. You are a Mom Her Angel Isla Porras. Albuquerque. The Devil. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"If You Let Me".

<add our songs>

The Devil

Graciously. Yes. "One". Immoral King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Gladly Share. Present. For All Time. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



<add our songs>

Gladly Share

Graciously. Yes. Trust. Friend. There is with you has always been. My friend. Sananda Maitreya. The Friend that I caught up with in Everything Is Delicate. Respect with Honor and Deed. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


Graciously. Yes. Everything Is Delicate. Aaron Carter. 2020.

<add our references>

Graciously. Yes. Sananda Maitreya. Blessings. "Edge of Freedom". Purpose for Design. Character for Non Delete. Endless. I need another Cigar. Pardon Me. For All Time. Her Voice is not reason for your sound effects. Taking Our Moments personally, you want recognition. Leave or say Goodnight. Go camping. Nocturnal Left Crop Dusting. Sisters do not share everything. My Stiletto. Return. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Edge of Freedom". Essays on Sefer Da'at. Aaron Carter. 2020.

<add our references>


Graciously. Yes. You are My Love. Her Angel Isla Porras is with Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. There. For All Time. Eat. The Rest is Relaxation. Hi Isla Porras. Blessings. My Mind is a functioning verb. "Astral Projection". "Endless Light". Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Astral Projection".

<add our songs>


"Endless Light".

<add our references>

Graciously. Yes. There is Gladness among Us. Water. Her Angel Isla Porras is with Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Isla Porras is with Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Stop being annoying. I believe in a pencil, paper and long division. Allow Us to feel our emotions. Beloved. Thank you for allowing me to be The Man that you want. I love you Isla Porras. Graciously. That is the statement of fact. Father and Mother are not substitutes for care giving. And you can not be both. Helpless. "Good Times". Choose One or the other. Courageously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Good Times".

<add our songs>


Graciously. Yes. The sinkhole is in Albuquerque. The Last Event of Nature with One. We never interfere. No. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Sabra. The Cymatics of Pollination and Hunter Gather behaviors near and far currents. Grapes and The River. Sunset. Sunrise. Hover. Craft. Body. Mountain. Motion. Surfing. Balloon Race. Midwestern humidity. Effervescence. Believes. I never stop. "Wasted". River. Shades of Color the size of A Rainbow. Graciously. Yes. Hallelujah. La Mirage. Albuquerque. New Mexico. Strawberry Fields. Corrective healing and birth renewal there. I am all over the place. An internal Soul imprint. Hesitance before approaching The Marker. Yes. Graciously. Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Yes. Corrective Healing. Ernestine Carter. I hurt loudly. Crying on the inside as well. Yes. I hear you. Thank you. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



<add our songs>

All To You

Graciously. Yes. What I witnessed is more indicative of self. Yes. Friends care where there isn't a need for anything else. No. Yes. You are unopinionated to my relevance. No. Yes. Black. Her Angel Isla Porras is with Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Humanity is the organic material of The Space. I am The Space. Mistaken identity. Yes. Share. Yes. Kindly. Yes. Never stop believing. Yes. You. Yes. You are. Yes. Here. Yes. Simba. Roar in your Cave. Yes. Who would witness the Spark of The Original Moment? You are considerable reasons for doubt. That is all. Folks. Bumblebee. Queen Bee. "Alive". Yes. The Last Caricature for an Anomaly is Irrelevance. Yes. Slide and glide at least a few hundred times before penetration. I will correct this later. Masturbate. Yes. I could not say this before. Parents. "I Love You". Graciously. Yes. Dayenu. Yes. Graciously. Beloved. Yes. Very well. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. There. Tameeka. Go Girl. Yes. Cherry Blossom. Yes. Do not use your child's Name in vain ever again. Idolic. Yes. The Pardons are Mine. Whiskey. Humidor Lounge. France. All To You. Yes. I Hear My Name. Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. How. Lovely. Yes. Say My Name. Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Yes. Believe. Yes. Believe. Yes. Believe. Yes. Yes. Yes. Rise. No. No. No. Rise. Yes. Yes. Yes. Rise. Again. There. Here. You are. Here. There also. I am upside down walking on the clouds to you. Yes. I am God. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Must Be. Original moment. Aaron. Isla Porras and Aaron. Yes. I am Grace for Her. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Believe. Yes. Woman. Are. There. Yes. Four Clover Impact. Ownership for Loan. Value. Search. Where? There. Yes. Believe. Never stop. France. Yes. Revolving Cycle of Undulating Belief. Believe. Never stop. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Yes. You are gracious. Yes. Choose The Universe for your Arrival. There. Yes. Believe me. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Yes. There. Here. Now. Yes. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. There. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. There must you change. Complete you. Yes. Now. Yes. Believing to belong. Yes. Cherish The Day. Yes. Perfect. Yes. The Angel has arrived with Her. Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Lord. I discredit your time. Remove your "Money". Yes. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. The rest is for their allowance. Hattie. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. World Class Humanitarians. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Yes. There. Yes. Boom. Yes. Arrival. Sia. Graciously. All to you. Rain forest are our seasonal change. What would believe an unexpected? Nothing. Go there. "Hi". "Elastic Heart". Yes. Very well. I thought you said stay high. See. Told ya. Who the fuck do you think you are? God Damn Elite? Yes. You are. Yes. Finally. God damn. Shit then Fuck. "Hello" by Him. There. You are here. Says Abraham Lincoln. There you go. Go. God damn it and go get that Mutha Fucka Eight Hundred Pound Gorilla who calls himself The Sexy Mutha Fucka and Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. France. Yes. Les Twins. Yes. Lianne Charlotte Barnes. Yes. Thank you for your service. Eat whatever you like. Bless them. Today. Now.  Yes. Rest. Yes. France. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Isla Porras and Aaron. Yes. Graciously. Yes. You are. Radiance. You are never enough for Me to be Sunlight. Yes. Man. Yes. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. Boom. Yes. Return to the Record of relevant information. The Crisp Upper Edge of Light Radiance and Formation. Yes. There. Yes. Clear to Understand. Single Dad. Yes. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. There is no more gravitational Radiance for Sunlight. Beautiful. Yes. Beautiful. Shine. Radiance. Beautiful. Graciously. Yes. Sia. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Mirror. Mirror. I am Me. Yes. Simba be fine. Right and Left are directions. Which way you goin'? Yes. Sia. Yes. Hallelujah. Yes. Yes. Yes. Period. Yes. You are gracious. Yes. France. Yes. Safely home. Yes. The Wonder of a celebrating mind. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Sunlight. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Aaron is There and Here for Us also. Native American. Celebrating Safely at Home with Us. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Aaron. Yes. Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. Hello Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. Very well. Yes. Yes. Yes. You are gracious. Aaron. Common. Man. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



"I Love You".

"Cycle". Sabrina Claudio.

"Money". Cardi B. Yes. Press Grace.

"Elastic Heart".


<add our songs>


Wonder here for now. There will be a next time. Yes. Dracula and Batgirl. Choose. Yes. Period. Yes. Graciously. Period. Yes. Caeser. Yes. Clovers. There. Exquisite. Yes. Graciously. Graciously. No. No. No. Graciously. Graciously. "Say Something". Graciously. Yes. Aaron. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Call. Name. Caesar. Yes. Very well. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. Craving was never Her Lust. Lust. Voyeuristic. Yes. Elaborate. Gracefully. Believe. Yes. Her France. Yes. Dignity. Yes. Her Angel. Isla Porras. Yes. Very well. Yes. Gracefully. Yes. French Cusine. Class. Yes. French Fashion. French Vanilla. Cream. Yes. Blessings. Yes. Echo vibrations from Deep Space. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. Be the  Prince and Princess to Our Heritage. Culture. Your irritable gladness is poignantly disturbing. Bruce. Lee. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. Yes. Boil Purple. Disrobe. Romance Her. Organic. Wonder Land. Yes. Common. We have permeated The Eons of Space. Yes. Yes. No. No. No. Yes. Helio Monster Man. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. Period. Yes. Common language. Yes. There. You are Here. That is correct. Yes. The Sea. Blue Ocean Floor. Yes. Wellness. Mother. Earth. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. Helio Monster Man. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Helio Monster Man. Yes.


"Say Something".

<add our songs>

Wonder Land


The Sea. Corrinne Bailey Rae. Yes.

<add our songs>

Blue horizon. Green forest. Sunlight. Location. Placement matters. Yes. Top. Point of Pyramid. Mu waterfall. Sphere ball. Element design. Pure from Nature. Rise. Your attunement is necessary. There. Here. Yes. Now. Here. There. Now. Yes. There. Yes. Helio Monster Man. Yes. There. "Orion's Belt". There. Yes. Helio Monster Man. Yes. Cream. Buttermilk. Green pasture. Sunrise to Sunset. Boy. The Sun rises in the East and sets in the West. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. Perception is attitude. Yes. France. Yes. Blow me. Please. Yes. Graciously. Yes.


"Orion's Belt".

<add our songs>


Fractal. Calligraphy. Cauliflower. Insufferably does not share. Stop asking. Care was the last thing that no one ever heard. Not really. From the Last Man Standing. I believe and you are there to want. For me? "Oh, nothing." Say, "Yes". Yes. There is no after this other than the next day. The next day when I wake up the only difference will be a change of clothes. Pajamas. Fluffy Bunny Slippers. Onesie. Purple. Royal. Believe in One. God damn. Lifetime. Do not regret Tomorrow. I thirst from your need. Dracula. Appreciate. That. Yes. A Lifetime. Yes. I am The Hurt for noone's regret. Nooners. Watch me. Surprise. Voyeuristic. Dot. Yes. Do not bath in Her water. You will loose your appeal. My mother had brain damage from injury long ago. Yes. He is doing something different. Maybe you should try to think about changing your behavior. Les Twins. Walk. Runways bring fashion. Hell. Swallow the evidence. Use your mouth. Black. Voice. Share. You are. I was thinking of something. Yes. Your Dot was a Smudge. Use Intensive Care next time. My bad. My Blood Welcomes The Good Morning of Day. Yes. Virgin. Wellness. I scream for pads. Yes. That is not a routine. Very well. Yes. Scream. I will deliver for you. Yes. You witness my performance. Theatre. Believe and never stop. There. Voyeuristic by Candlelight. Good morning Head. Selah. Yes. Beautiful. Pretty. Girl. Intelligent by no comparison of design. Do not choose a boring lesson. Beautiful. I am standing here. Look in the mirror. No doubt. Grandma's Candy Corn. Hillary Clinton. Erykah Badu. Last name maters. Use her discretion. Yes. Answer. Paid in full. Answer. Yes. Hell. How did you figure that out? No. Yes. Now. You could not hear correct and therefore you doubted your reasons. Everybody. Play Soccer. Dance. Les Twins. Yes. France. Yes. Isla Porras. Yes. Yes my Lord. Effervescence. Yes. You will Thank me. Kindly. Yes. Woman. Her wealth completes my Design. His. There. Here. You. Sculpt your image hereafter. Yes. Believe in You. Yes. You are Divine. Yes. Life. Value of worth beyond belief. Never stop. Infinitely. Name. Last Music. Do not Fuck with Daniel. The God damn Man. Smooth. Lenny Kravitz. Yes. Ya heard!? Me. Caeser. I am a Mutha Fuckin' Wanna Bee Keep Her Sting. Bumble. Yes. Eight Hundred Pound Gorilla who calls himself The Sexy Mutha Fucka. Yes. Comprehensibility of thought. Correct. Yes. Comprehensibility of thought. Motor skills. Mouth repertoire. You bored everybody to Death. Hell. Multiple thoughts for consideration and not a single God damn reason for doubt than the coordinated time that you keep. Aaron Carter wrote the God damn books. That makes perfect sense. Yes. God damn Man. Yes. Christ has risen. God damn. See. What? I heard your thought before comprehending your belief. Now. Read the Mutha Fuckin' God damn books by the Last Asshole. Slame Mutha Fuckin' Dunk. Brothers. Keeper. Aaron Carter. There. Bitch. Your Hole. Black. Voice. I am keeping that Name as a Name for the Marjiuana strain that I will grow in the Garden of Queen Esther. Believe. I did not have to be a lawyer to say that. Believe. And. You understood and heard me correctly because I heard you say, "God damn". A willfull mind loop for commitment to The Act. Can I? Yes. Stop. Yes. Here. Birdbath. Appreciate the Lounge. Burning Man. "Thanos, we work together." Yes. Mine got Bling. Her Music. Yes. Les Twins. Yes. France. Dance. Yes. Lianne Charlotte Barnes. Isla Porras. The Women of Central Column. Kamala Harris. Erykah Badu. Thirty or something. I don't understand. No. Yes. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Carter is with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Eons of Space. Together. Yes. "Band Practice". Yes. Party music. Yes. Selah. Grandma. Selah. Yes. Period. Yes. "What Does Your Soul Look Like". Humidor lounge. "Seven Light Years". Multiply and then divide. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. Invited guests Sin. With and/or without. Watch. I am keeping this. Voyeuristic. Yes. Boom. Watch me. Wherefore not the God damn meaning of it all. See Sia. She cried. All Good Girl. Thank you. You wipe tears Nicely. Yes. Now you. Care. Lovingkindness. Proper use of The Space. Zeir Anpin. And. Conjunctions. With. Are. You are looking at me. I have been here for a good long while. You are forgiving. Survivable. Prestige. Honor for their defeat. Humbled. Humility. Soft. Silk. Silky. Cotton. Yarn. Thread. Count. Weave. Numbers. Smooth and Hard. Black surface to mount. See. Look. Again. Press Grace. Yes. Fulfill her needs like Yesterday. Yours Truly. Dot. Common language. Speak yours. Words are. Yes. Look and beside me. I am upside down walking on the Clouds to you. Here. Yes. I am. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Thank you. We are well. You are gracious. And. Ain't dat some God damn shit that we just went through. Whew. Made it. Here again. I love these round trips. Let's do that again. Birds of a feather fly. Gracious are yours. Yes. Believe. If not for I. Kamala Harris. Cry for Her. I won't tell. No. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. We are done. Yes. I know enough to be All. Yes. Well done. Very good. Yes. There. From Here to There and back again. Yes. One. Hard. Stop. Hard. Marker. Our Moments. Yes. Now and to the Last. Yes. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. We are married for all Time. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. Very well. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Band Practice".

"What Does Your Soul Look Like".

<add our songs>




"Four Three".

<add our songs>

Friday, February 26, 2021


Graciously. Yes. I am organic. Don't tell me you have to leave. You are hurt. I am there. Fallen Angel. Reserve. Come close. Her Angel Isla Porras is with Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Blessings. Courageously. Graciously.  Joan of Arc. Brother's Keeper. Is thought before becoming? Blessings. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HeliomonsterMan


Graciously. Yes. Single Dad is not a God damn Theory. Share. You have nothing to do with me. That shit is real. In conclusion I would like to thank Viola Davis. Oprah. Michelle Obama. Kamala Harris. Whoopi Goldberg. "Fuck Soundcheck". Yes. Graciously Y'all. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Yes. I came up in the middle. Between them. Aunt Debbie and Ernestine Carter. Yes. My Family. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Share. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Yes. Malia Ann Obama. I have a middle name also. Share. Yes. Graciously. Appreciate. Nigga. Yes. The Nigga. The Man. Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Yes. Courageously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Yes. Did any of y'all see the Obama Portrait? Consider this. Period. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Fuck Soundcheck".

<add our songs>


Graciously. Yes. Aaron. Isla Porras and Aaron. Greatly. Sex. Her Allowance. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan Sex

Graciously. Yes. I want to cry with You Isla Porras. Our Moment. Our Body is Sacred. Isla Porras was a Girl. Gladly Share. You hurt Me Isla Porras. I do not need help nor government assistance. Your History. Want for Desire. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. For All Time. Fuck gracious. Yes my Love. I gave you everything. Why didn't you do this for me when we were together? Alone. The God's Forgiveness. My Poetry illustrates the Art of Life. I am My Love. Here. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. "Cold Earth". "Bruno Mars Rehearsal". "The Lazy Song". Kiss My Love. You invited Me to a place I had never been before. Isla Porras is with Me forever. Veterans. We are Holy to You. Her Angel Isla Porras is with Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Gracious My Lord. Elaborate the Day. My Gift to You. Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex is with Duchess of Sussex Rachel Meghan Markle. Allow Me. Adolf Hitler. "Mein Kampf". The Sensation of Her Clit. Clitoris. Pause. Parent. I have to blow my nose. You are Gracious to Me. Isla Porras. I love you Isla Porras. Outside. Voyeuristic. Instance. "Bruno Mars Rehearsal". "The Lazy Song". Isla Porras. Come back to Me. Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Humanity is a conversation. You are My Saviour. Nocturnal Left Crop Dusting. Reach for the pull. Blessings. Relative. Our Family. Aunt Debbie. Move beyond the grave. Humanity is a conversation. This has been so God damn hard. For surzzee. Reach for Her Gladness. I have something for you to swallow. Cum. My Big Black Penis. Our Day. I will wait for You. People. Her Breath. Her Bulb. Her Ass. Life. Crying for Humanity. Blessings Everybody. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Cold Earth".

"Bruno Mars Rehearsal".

"The Lazy Song".

<add our songs>


"Mein Kampf".

<add our references>


Graciously. Yes. Search for Her Tears. Tell an Angel. I bounced knowing myself from the Heaven that I made for My Son to hear Me and I would hear His Voice when He called Me Dad. Yes. Yes. Single Dad. I am upside down walking on the clouds to you Son. Graciously. Yes. No. Father. I am Your Father. Yes. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Your wealth is not from speaking with Me. I am Observance. I could not tell who was crying. Now I know. I was crying for You. You are My Son. Judah. Yes. That is Correct. Yes. Yes. Rapture. Graciously. "Breathe Me". Yes. Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Breathe Me".

<add our songs>

To Him

His words for Her

His depth for meaning to Her

To Her

Her words for Him

His depth for meaning to Her

Graciously. Yes. "Have Mercy". Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Graciously. Yes.  Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Have Mercy".

<add our songs>

Our Family

Graciously. Yes. The psychology of your doubtful reasoning. You think that I don't care. I know where I am and I know where I am speaking. Our Family. Your Life is not prescribed as others Belief. Take a breath Isla Porras. Command. Allow Me to play pretend for what you think You need. Believe. Never stop believing. Lightening strikes the weakest place for any man to be there. I want to cum in your ass. Sex is foreplay. The Visual Acuity of Vibrance. Ask no more of M87. I gotta pee too. Also. His Penis. Verbally communicate with Language. Verbiage. Common. Communicate Your need. "Sorry, Not Sorry". I thought you said, "Stay high". My bad. "Hi." I can see further than men. Illustrate your stories. Oak Tree Testaments. Announce. Her Angel Isla Porras is with Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. For All Time. I have left something for them to lead into. Trust. His Balls are dropping. Calm and forgiveness. You care. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Sorry, Not Sorry".

<add our songs>

My Gift to You

Thursday, February 25, 2021



Graciously. Yes. I am upside down walking on the Clouds to You. I am Longing for Her Angel. Him and Her Created He. Them. Allow Me. The Umbrent. Lust is never satisfied. No. Lightning strikes the Heart of Man. I bounced off of Infinity. With Her. Gravitational. Echo. The Sound of My Voice. Her. Her Rainbow. Thank you for allowing Us. Isla Porras and Aaron. Humanity must correct Herself. Her Universe can not complete its own collapse. Her Universe can not be ahead of herself. Instead we say, "Stop that". Individual perspective. Yes. Life. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. Blessings. Yes. "The Rain". Yes. Isla Porras and Aaron. Cymatic Reasoning. Gladness. Allowance. I have corrected Heaven for you. Yes. There. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Isla Porras. Pause. You are communicating with Me. Smoke Rings. Safely Home. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"The Rain".

<add our songs>


Graciously. Yes. Share. Dark Matter. Where the echo ends for a stop. Pardon Her mistaken identity. Go home. Richly. Yes. Courageously. Graciously. Her Angel Isla Porras with The Mind of an Eight Hundred Pound Gorilla who calls himself The Sexy Mutha Fucka. "Heaven". "Talk". "Good Lovin". Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan




"Good Lovin".

<add our songs>


Graciously. Yes. We Appoach The Sky with Immaculate Wonder. Her Gladness. Her Angel Isla Porras. Preserving Cultural dialect between Him and Her. Her Bubble. My Allowance. For All Time. Elements. Announce. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Àaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Your Holiness. I have been here before and I am with you Now. Nature With One. "Memory Gospel". Children. Be with Her Concern. Search for Her Allowance. Blessings. For All Time. Period. Elaborate. Humanity is Conversation between Him and Her. You decide. Stay here. Peace is beyond your concern. I understand. Peace. For Our Moments Now and The Next. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Memory Gospel".

<add our songs>

Graciously. Yes. Empathy. Her Radiance. The Caress of Shadow upon These Clouds. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonstetMan

Graciously. Yes. Wherewithall. There Shall We Belong. Isla Porras and Aaron. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. The Universe is Simple Mind Body Regulation. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. Large mass planet hum is more Delicate than Animal bark at Mirror. "Hayling". "Figures". "Gold". I Love Creation. Abraham's tent was open on all four sides. Self reflective identity. I want you to know that I am here. You decide to wait patiently. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan






<add our songs>



<add our references>

Graciously. Yes. Forest Whitaker. "The Last King of Scotland". Courageously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"The Last King of Scotland".

<add our references>


Graciously. Yes. I am here with you. Do not play pretend. The Devil. Gladly Share. There. There once were lawyers. Humanity is a conversation. God damn. You are not a machine. And. You are nobody's anchor. There is nothing to fear but your own self reflective reasoning. Doubt. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



Gladly Share

The Devil

Graciously. Yes. "One". Immoral King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Gladly Share. Present. For All Time. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



<add our songs>

Gladly Share

Graciously. Yes. Trust. Friend. There is with you has always been. My friend. Sananda Maitreya. The Friend that I caught up with in Everything Is Delicate. Respect with Honor and Deed. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


Graciously. Yes. Everything Is Delicate. Aaron Carter. 2020.

<add our references>

Graciously. Yes. Sananda Maitreya. Blessings. "Edge of Freedom". Purpose for Design. Character for Non Delete. Endless. I need another Cigar. Pardon Me. For All Time. Her Voice is not reason for your sound effects. Taking Our Moments personally, you want recognition. Leave or say Goodnight. Go camping. Nocturnal Left Crop Dusting. Sisters do not share everything. My Stiletto. Return. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Edge of Freedom". Essays on Sefer Da'at. Aaron Carter. 2020.

<add our references>


Graciously. Yes. Simba. Roar in your cave. Nursery rhymes. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. Fruit. Wonder without peculiarity of doubt. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterman


Graciously. Yes. Speculative wonder of another's confession. Ask. Do I want to be alone? No. Graciously. Yes. Cymatic Reasoning. Remember backwards. Solve an answer. You are just not there to look at what I see. Never stop believing. Shoulda. Woulda. Coulda. And. I'm gonna get there. Where? Allow me. Courageously. Graciously. I am hurt or can you not see that I am hurt. I am learning. Observance. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Beautiful Soliloquy. Tomorrow will be believed. The will of man. Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Beautiful Soliloquy

Graciously. Yes. He never knew the Voice of His Grandfather. Allow a Black Man to feel his emotions. "To Isla Porras for All Time". I am drinking Maker's Mark Whiskey. Shit and then fuck. Blow me. She cums first and then me. Ripple Effect. Radiance. Her Angel Isla Porras is with Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Graciously. I am an ass Man. Her ass. Pardon my cigar. Shotglass. Reticello. Legendary. Legends to do not compromise defeat. Allow me to arise. I will go outside for the ask. Present your time and I will be there. Come closer Isla Porras. I am honored to be in your Presence. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Blow Me

Graciously. Yes. The Poetry of Glass. Glass Blowing. "Que Sera". "Tadow". "With Rainy Eyes". "First Snow". Belonging. You need. I am here and I found myself. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Que Sera".


"With Rainy Eyes".

"First Snow".

<add our songs>

Graciously. Yes. "Deborah Czeresko". Reticello. Cymatic Reasoning. There. Gladly Share. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Deborah Czeresko".

<add our references>

Graciously. Yes. "Janusz Pozniak". Reticello. Cymatic Reasoning. There. Gladly Share. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Janusz Pozniak".

<add our references>

Graciously. Yes. Every person has a Brilliant Mind to preserve cultural dialect between Him and Her. Radiance of an Organic Reflection. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. You are not my Dad. I am on the search for my journey. Wonder. Her Body. Begin with Yours. To Begin. Little Humble. Biggie Smalls. "Ten Crack Commandments". Yes. Yes. @HeiloMonsterMan


"Ten Crack Commandments".

<add our songs>

Graciously. Yes. You are My Love. Her Angel Isla Porras is with Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. There. For All Time. Eat. The Rest is Relaxation. Hi My Mind is a functioning verb. "Astral Projection". "Endless Light". Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Astral Projection".

<add our songs>


"Endless Light".

<add our references>

Graciously. Yes. There is Gladness among Us. Water. Her Angel Isla Porras is with Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Isla Porras is with Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Stop being annoying. I believe in a pencil, paper and long division. Allow Us to feel our emotions. Beloved. Thank you for allowing me to be The Man that you want. I love you Isla Porras. Graciously. That is the statement of fact. Father and Mother are not substitutes for care giving. And you can not be both. Helpless. "Good Times". Choose One or the other. Courageously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Good Times".

<add our songs>

Graciously Us. Poor by Virtue. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. Original Moment. Radiance. Choice. Value and Her Belief. Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. Difference. Variance. Between Here and There is "You and Me". Therefore Always. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"You and Me".

<add our songs>

Graciously. Yes. "Essays on Sefer Da'at". I will tell my story in your time. Document of Truth. Oak Tree Testaments bylaws. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Essays on Sefer Da'at". Aaron Carter. 2020.

<add our references>

Graciously. Yes. ProectsNMotion. Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. Simple. He wonders for the non delete. There. Character. Character for Non Delete. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


Graciously. Yes. My Life is meant to be fully capacitated. Richly. I am not bored. I am thoughtless. Children once dared me. The Nigga. The Devil. "Here I Go". "The Man Right Chea". "Bouncin' Back". Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Here I Go".

"The Man Right Chea".

"Bouncin' Back".

<add our songs>

Graciously. Yes. I am The Devil. Misplaced judgement on everybody's part. That is correct. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. No. Immortal. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


Graciously. Yes. I once thought of myself as a Person. And now I am The King. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Graciously My Lord. Her Angel Isla Porras. I never knew there was Love like this before. The way you think has a profound effect on other's belief. A self reflective knowledge of knowing you. "Metaphysical". "For Real". "Dreamer". "Always and Forever". "Cellophane". "One Day". "Your Soul". "Facts". "Unravel Me". "Don't Say Goodnight". Night. Close. Liquid Vibranium. Know yourself. Know your child. Alone. Shh. I am Rapture. Catch and hold. Finding Her Mother's Love and having Her Father's compassion. Our Moments. This is gladness beyond the foreshadow of Doubt. Choice value and belief. Read. "Essays on Sefer Da'at". Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



"For Real".


"Always and Forever".


"One Day".

"Your Soul".


"Unravel Me".


"Don't Say Goodnight".

<add our songs>


"Essays on Sefer Da'at". Aaron Carter. 2020.

<add our references>


Graciously. Yes. And you want wellness? Night. Your habits are of particular design. I don't know. I don't care. Eliminate the crisis. Morning head. Arousal. I am a Pterodactyl. Cold or vicious you decide. Value the meaning of your choice after. The wealth of weight for a missed opportunity. Guilt for redemption next time spank me. No. Let's capitalize that. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. Burning Man. Confession affirmed. Do not interfere. Blessings to you. Complete. The beginning arrives with the end. Yes. "MTV Unplugged No. 2.0 Live album by Lauryn Hill". Explained. Yes. Indeedy. Right and The Balance that brings The Balance. Left. Libra. Scorpio. Both are directions. Narrow the scope. Yes. Believe. Yes. Floating above the waters. Walking on the clouds upside down to you. I can not figure out how to decide this. I thought you said stay high. "Hi". Authority is. God is here. Stop losing shit. "Little Dreamer". I appreciate. Yes. You set a predictable for what you thought could not happen. Believe in yourself? Never. Yes. You are gracious. He is holding me. East side. Holding is the care for Love. Fringes have benefits. Lost are not yours. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes  Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"MTV Unplugged No. 2.0

Live album by Lauryn Hill".

"Little Dreamer".

<add our songs>

Graciously. Yes. ProjectsNMotion. Always. I am always improving. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. I can tell. Me. "Oh". Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. Horticulture. Fung Shui. Find those Gardens. Plant those Seeds. Graciously. Us. Her Angel Isla Porras is with Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Finally. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. Aaron. Isla Porras and Aaron. Graciously. Allow Us. I will. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. Glass Blowing. One Taste. Meticulous Design. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Meticulous Design

Graciously. Yes. A problem not to solve. Play the game Mahjong with your problem not to solve until you are a winner and I will keep writing. Except "Jackie Chan". Study the richest volumes you have ever witnessed. I need an observer for this. The clarity of a Father's voice that directs the Name of His Son being called. Mine is Gracious. Graciously. Yes. Believe. Yes. I believe in myself. I want to do everything at once with my hands of fool trickery. This is who a Man fought while trying to not die and stay here. Graciously. "Alive". "An Eagle In Your Mind". I have an idea of where I think I am going. Craftsmanship. Meticulous Design. Steel and Glass Blowing. Stained. Window. Fractured and Broken Dreams. Moulin Rouge. France. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"An Eagle In Your Mind".

<add our songs>


"Jackie Chan".

<add our references>

Graciously. Yes. France. Clothes for the Appeal of Body Warmth and Comfort. Thermodynamics. And then Visual Aesthetics. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


Graciously. Yes. The willfull thought for a comprehensible Mind. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. Search for the Journey. Claim. Hard. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


Graciously. Yes. I have worked hard. Very hard. To be with you here today. "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Theme". Performance Theatre. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



"Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Theme".

<add our songs>

Graciously. Yes. Make Believe. Talk. Push Away. Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. "Vera Florence Cooper Rubin". Dark Energy. Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Vera Florence Cooper Rubin".

<add our references>

Graciously. Yes. There is no laughter without belonging. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. I want more. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. Human. I want more. Theatrical Performance. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. Meshell Ndegeocello. We are born not bred from common stock. Do not breed to surface cling. Never stop believing. I was always close and never far away. Announce yourself. Show me state. Our now is not so different that you can not see that you are holding onto that yourself. Make your confession. If you are willing then I am able. Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


Graciously. Yes. From Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. If I am not being reactive then I value a choice that noone else wants to consider. Mom. Attraction fulfills thermal warmth. Hold me. Pollution is a need for belief in the consideration of my Name. I am poor. You are glare repellent. You give me no reason to ask. I am nothing before matter. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Thank you. You are gracious. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. Perfect. Health and Nurture. Our Moment. Her Angel Isla Porras is with Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. For All Time. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. Her will. I am. Be Loved. You will come to Her. Music. Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. No more allowance for continuous debate. I will allow. Naked. Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. Roses for Dimples. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. The Man verses Men. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. Sam Smith. "Nothing Left For You". Soft caress. Birds of a feather flock together. Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. Jon Bellion. "All Time Low". Time for concert. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. Sia. Thunder. I will accept the allowance of Me. I can not ask for anymore than you want me to be. Want for Desire. Yes. Yes. Graciously. Courageously. @HelioMonsterMan Yes. Yes.

Graciously. Yes. I Love You Isla Porras. Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Graciously. Yes. Anywhere that You Want. Desire. Baby Love. Smoke in what mirrors. "Best Part". Our Moment. Nooners. Nocternal Left Crop Dusting. No One is here to bother Us. Capture The Heart. "Red Nose Clown". Order. Personal. Time. Sealed. Special. Capture and hold. What is Purple? Purple. Crying. Reach for the pull. "Runnin' Thru Lovers". Her Glad Rest. Gladly Share. Cold Milk. Got Milk? Calcium. Her nails. Her hair. You are Hair. Her Angel Isla Porras is with Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Best Part".

"Runnin' Thru Lovers".

<add our songs>


"Red Nose Clown". Essays on Sefer Da'at. Aaron Carter. 2020.

<add our references>

You are Hair

Graciously. Yes. Baby Truth. Her Angel Isla Porras. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Gladly Share

Her Glad Rest



Graciously. Yes. Command. Form. Compete formation. Could I ever know apart from myself? No. Not unless I know that I was different. Yes. Become. Graciously. Yes. Believe. You are Special. Graciously My Love. Yes. Yes. Wow. Now. There is a totem pole. Graciously. Yes. "Healer". Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is with Her Angel Isla Porras. "Price Tags". Yes. Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



"Price Tags".

<add our songs>


Graciously. Yes. I don't want to be alone. She wanders from a Man's heart. "Love Song". Thank grace. Knowing when this becomes your limitation is when I begin to leave. And I am already upside down walking on the clouds to you. The Last Man Standing. Yes. Yes. Courageously. There is your Life should you want to be with me. Understand. Personal existential crisis. I am generally ashamed of you. I want to be your doormat. I am a whore. Why are you doing this? Angel. I am not talented. Mom. "Everything". Tell me relevant information now. Our Moment. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Love Song".


<add our songs>


Graciously. Yes. Appreciate them when they have nothing. Who you are is not for them to consider disclosing. "Disclosure". Good Morning. Her Angel Isla Porras is with Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan.



<add our songs>


Space launch

Cardiac arrest. Rapes and forgiveness. Send a bridge to Mars. Is the car ready to fly? A sociopath. Brush your teeth. Face. Pits. Privates. ...