Thursday, March 4, 2021


Graciously. Yes. Father. Pontifex. Son. Felix Baumgartner. Holy Ghost. Witches. I am your prestigious with honor. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


Graciously. Yes. Your Curse is Removed. Salem. Witches. Tonight. Pull Her Contention from My Soul. We Master Time. "Fuck Soundcheck". Your Gladness is The Privilege. Addiction is a contemplation. Limitless. You are My Angel Isla Porras. You are dependent on muscle memory. Period. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Fuck Soundcheck".

<add our songs>

Felix Baumgartner

Graciously. Yes. Felix Baumgartner. Stratosphere. The Moon. The Stars. And The Sun Above. This is Tomorrow. ProjectsNMotion belongs to Isla Porras. You can not pay for My Hell. Her Angel Wings. Burning Man. The Devil. Her Ask. My Choice. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Felix Baumgartner". N. Sputnik. Corner Reference.

<add our songs>


"Felix Baumgartner".

<add our refrences>


Graciously. Yes. "Everything Is Delicate". A book for children. Tomorrow will be believed. "If You Let Me." Her Angel Isla Porras is married to Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Gladly Share. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"If You Let Me".

<add our songs>


"Everything Is Delicate". Aaron Carter. 2020.

<add our references>

Gladly Share

Corner Reference

Graciously. Yes. You Touch Me. "Caint Use My Phone". "Rush Ball". "Moral Compass". Graciously. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Caint Use My Phone".

"Rush Ball".

<add our songs>


"Moral Compass". Essays on Sefer Da'at. Aaron Carter. 2020.

<add our references>

You Touch Me

Graciously. Yes. I am not letting you go and only you can do that. You touch me. Not with your lips but the breath and sounds that I hear from your words above. If you do not have a story about you because of them then you do not belong anywhere near their final place of rest. Surround them with those stories in their place of belonging. I will spin them up when they are ready. Don't worry, be happy. I am passive aggressive. Born and raised. St. Louis Missouri. None better. The command is Humanity or allow me to spin you up. You can not give me a reward if I do not think that I am Special. Count on it. Children dare. How else am I supposed to make them want to come to me. Ugly. I am at intolerable comprehensibility. I will forget this tomorrow. Riffles. Guns. Ammunition. Idols. Hell is a White Niggas irreparable demands. I ain't complaining. I am where nothing should be stopping my madness and you are telling me to go further. Bored. Troublemakers. I am boarding a room with unwelcomed guests who want more Black pipe and a Child who wants more Marjiuana. Prove that shit outta this Nigga. You can not be kind if you were not raised that way. Just stop and be careful. That is the closest you got. Share. Goodnight. Pink. Maybe I will get a sledgehammer from Thor. Reconsider pissing on your Garden. Organic. Ignorant beyond repair. Don't stop me. Everybody. Graciously. Yes. Pope John bare chested on a scaffolding with men of the time. Do you still cross yourself? What would your Grandmother say? Now. "Reach for the Dead". Therapy. Read to discover Me. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Character for Non Delete. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Yes. Here and Now. Yes. Graciously. I want to go to France. Tell me when. You and me. Us. Believe. Thunder clouds. Graciously. Yes. Everything is shiney except for you. Dr. Biden. "Get out to stay alive". I do not have a song. See reference. No. Favorite can not reach. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois is married to Her Angel Isla Porras. Everybody. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Reach for the Dead".


"Eleanor Roosevelt".


Graciously. Yes. One God. Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Your Mom is Her Angel Isla Porras. Elaborate. I am The Devil. Now. Take your time. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

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Yud. Gays. West of the seance. Existential remedy. Even on a plane. What were you thinking? “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story”. “Lemon”. Lemon. ...