Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Burning Man

Graciously. Yes. Speak in your native dialect. Ameba. When she has the will to say nevermind. Cymatic. Our Gay Universe. Einstein ring rolls across the platform of his back protecting the head she's on her knees swallowing in her mouth. I built the platform. It is a wonderful day for a walk in the neighborhood. Oh, look. Nooners. I control the rate of organic collapse. Stars align. I "Wasn't Looking". There was never a cycle. Holding the kernel. Always rebirth. Now you can reincarnate. Call me. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Oh, look. The Devil. Catch and hold. I believe my father and brothers love me. They just don't know how to say it. Soldiers. God Damn Elite. America. I started from derogatory inferences and now I am here. Burning Man. Nothing serious was ever taken funny. Like the day you were born. Or receive gifts for blowing out candles. "American Woman". "Fly Away". I listen. Well. Very well. Sexy is for the underage drinker. She is proving her self worth in pity and mad kindness. There was never an indecent proposal. What the fuck am I doing in your lives? Nothing. Leave me alone. I am trying to quit doing that thing. We are not responsible. No. I am. I am the scribe of bewilderment. Establish your brilliance. I am in Earth City. That is all I know. Animal. Stop trying to control life with your mouth and listen. The fantasy is your imagination. Her option is to bounce back. The fantasy is real. You are dreaming. Or you can keep hope alive. Blessed memories. You are looking at the creation of Man at her music. "Home". The objective is your name. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Wasn't Looking".

"Fly Away".


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