Thursday, June 3, 2021


Graciously. Yes. Bitch. Cows heard that name and mood too. Meaning, also. Calcium deficient licks prosperity. C'mon girl. Heart to the motion. Forgiveness. Each other are people. Yes. Absorbent sponge. You will observe the meaning of my doppelgänger. Indeedy. Lord is necessary. Like father. Not your son. My mouth is open. Love. And so is yours. Kiss. Pollution made the sun drops too little. Light splashes. Do I need to explain this? Here is. Some drunk old lady. This is space. The final frontier. Runaway. Nigga I am not a slave. Levar Burton. Meet us at Stonehenge. Crack-a-lackin'. Peanuts for the bar that is licking. Dreams work. Once. Why you? God damn elite. Lord is appropriate. Baby bear. Lord is appropriate, again. Look. Oh, I see. Comma with her purple dream eyelashes. "Mercy Mercy Me". "Here I Go". There is a promise to keep. To yourself. I am never done. And there she is. Hiding, in the closet with me. With. Adolescence. My Lord. Is this humanly possible? Lord, I do not know. Yes. Humanity is a conversation. Use your words. Open your mouths. Lord is appropriate. Love your astrological signature. Make good cohesive contacts. People. Earth is our signature. Lord. Lasting. Are you the master or is this my maker? Cultural. Ethnic divide. Lord is. Earth. Mother. Natural. Espionage. Echo the will and then delete. North face America. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Mercy Mercy Me".

"Here I Go".

<add our songs>


Graciously. Yes. It is like a yo-yo. Pixel stick. The last want to fight. Be in the middle. I am first. There is the will for the mind of thought. Do not do that. "Turquoise Hexagon Sun". Go Ambidextrous Nimrod. Keep my son laughing through him. Me takes time. And once again. Here we are. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

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