Monday, March 1, 2021

Poetic Lyrist

Graciously. Yes. Leave for what I do not know to the children. I wish to close my mind. Dream of. Caeser. Bee sting. What is your priveledge? For your allowance for Me to there? You must be married to fulfill the compliment of Poetic Lyrist. Call. Juggernaut Classification. Ask. Response. One Moment Please. Our Moment. Her Angel Isla Porras is married to Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Mistaken identity. Period. Heaven. Allow Her to sleep in your time. Have I spoken? Yes. Literally Poetic. Now. Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. You are in that place of that time. Then. Consider your reasonings. Remember backwards. Yes. Question. Answer. The Incomprehensible Search for Her desire to meaning. Ratio. Thermodynamics. ProjectsNMotion. Preserving Cultural dialect and Heritage between Him and Her. Her Angel Isla Porras is married to Immortal King Poetic Lyrist Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. "It's Us." Split The Time. Variance. Written and common word. Plural. There is no separation of doubt from infinity. Mathematics. Common language for the verbal is appeal. I want to sleep. Romance. I want to be with You. You. Person. Want for Desire. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"It's Us".

<add our songs>


Juggernaut Classification

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