Monday, August 23, 2021


Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. When are you coming out? Come pick me up? Hey pooh bear. Bye bye. Yellow fringe. Cheesecake. Drumsticks. Major. "Mary Ann Summers". Between eighteen. Eighteen. Eighteen. Thirteen. Period. What are you going to do? Blue. Blanket cross. Where will you look just a little? Between eighteen. Eighteen. Thirteen. Period. What are you going to do now? Go. Black cymbals. "Black Violin". "A Flat". Niggas. Do you want to hear sound or land? How? Stop presuming that people have expectations from you and now go away. Listening to their tiny footprints. Good morning. "Adena culture". I asked to be here. Lord Aaron. Observer. Witness. I can report to my Lord now. Now. Funny bird. Aaron. Isla Porras with Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Our Immortal King Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois with Isla Porras. Burning. With blood red steel toed boots. Oranges lay down. Slices. Cherry pop. Drown. Ladies first. White. You affected the surrounding reason and I resolved the rest. Fedora. Daisy dukes. Red bandana. Hemlock. Pull up. Obama chicken recipe. Authors. Authority. "2". Me. Nicole. Personal. Be still. Black men. Finishing. "In the Morning". Me again. "Montecristo White Series". Allow. Humidor lounge. "Montes Cigar Shop". I am in the back. Reach for the pull. Guess what? Are those high liners? Have you ever had a soda can thrown in your face? "Mars". No. Hamsa Mu. "Purple Rain". "The Rain". We went to college together. ProjectsNMotion. Oak Tree Testaments. Document of truth based learning. Oak Tree Gardens. Our moment. Judah Prince Carter. Son. "JoJo Gomez". The rest is relaxation. Period. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"A Flat".


"In the Morning".

"Purple Rain".

"The Rain".

<add our songs>


"Mary Ann Summers".

"Black Violin".

"Adena culture".

"Buzz Sutherland".

"Montes Cigar Shop".


"JoJo Gomez".

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Corner Reference



"Montecristo White Series".

"Barack Obama".

"United States Declaration of Independence".

<add our references>

Hamsa Mu

Be still





Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Lightning strikes between two lit cigars blowing smoke. Embers. Burning Man. I don't have a piano. I get down. I can only be appropriate. Gladly share. This goes in my pussy? I guess I will make it wet. I do not believe in heaven. Let’s get these niggas to pave the way. “Latch”. "Black-ish". Back and Forthish. Where are you from? Do not drink around dead people. I dare you. Funny to think that was all when I have my cigars. Full pardons for both of us. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



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Corner Reference

"The Get Down".

<add our songs>


Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Happy median. Why are you breathing? Sea life. No mercy. Mammals. Breathe. Pervade. Let us stop play-pretending unwillingness to participate. You are glad that I do not know you. Thermal warmth. Bowel movement. Group participation. Snow capped mountains. Nature with one. Is my story relative? There is a garden. Thank you for the dove. Isla. Period. We belong in France. Let's go home. Eons of space. "Frozen". Time calculated money. Female burning ashes male. It is a beautiful day for a walk in the neighborhood. I am using your fear against you. I am hungry. Child of God. Laughable. Teachable. Moment. Claim personification. What is your name? Burning man. Bet means let us do that. Nail biter. Hesitant allure. Move into the basement. You have massive sex organs. She said it first. True story. "Treat Me Like Fire". I can react to pollution. What is indeed. I do not feel your compassion because I do not have any. Gut tension relief. Sound. Silence is death. We are in an echo chamber. You are annoyed from observing us. You are precious. If I was predictable I would have been a playwright. Smart enough to stay ignorant. Opportunity cost. Consignment. Paying to be touched. Phone home. Have you told me what to think or do I believe in myself? Compassion. Gladly share. Little black boy. "Keep Tryin'". Parallelism is distracting. Reasonable delay avoids expectation. Place your eggs in a basket. I am building a boat and leaving you. I want an atmosphere. His mind. Her belong. Lightning strikes between two lit cigars blowing smoke. Embers. Burning Man. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



"Treat Me Like Fire".

"Keep Tryin'".

<add our songs>



Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Finish the line. Point. Two sides up. Hamsa Mu. Where did I begin to see my reflection as no other consideration? Longing. For her. "Green Eyes". You are talking to me. Shit and then fuck. Do you see what I mean? Thank you for respecting me. She is to my ears. Isla Porras. Contention minus relief. That is every girl. For all time. Nicely done. Clean. Simultaneous. I do not worry. "Dive". Nocturnal Left Crop Dusting. Laundry detergent not included. Don't mind me. No. Girl. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Green Eyes".


<add our songs>

Nocturnal Left Crop Dusting

Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Who? Seven days or seven deadly sins. Roar in your cave. My words are not the echo of your defense. God is a man who learns how to receive. Pray outside. We are alone together. Nocturnal Left Crop Dusting. Everyday is Saturday for us. Our Angel Isla Porras. Voyeurism. Albuquerque. "Destiny". One Soul. Breathe. Two bodies. I want to cum in Isla Porras waters. Spank her ass. Deep throat orgasms. Warm and hot bread. Our children. You are lost and ready for overload. Yes. Do you want to satisfy the tease of her taste? Yes. Cum. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



<add our songs>


Hamsa Mu

The Cross

Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Left. Right. Down. Up. "The Cross". Conquer numerical symbology. Overwhelm belief. Gather appeal. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"The Cross".

<add our references>

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