Sunday, August 8, 2021

Vanity 6

Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Statistics. Crime and metal detectors. "Love's On Its Way". Estates grow on me. "Pink". Make me some dues. Black eat crab. Fish. Black widow takes snail. Feed them. Big black women. Moral dilemma. Labor issues. Aunt Slappy. Aunt Esther. Aunt Debbie. Martin Luther King was a women's activist. Factual fiction. Isaac. In between my gay sons. "Better Day". Shopping glass. Windmill. How does this dry? On the opposite end of the rainbow. "Timothy Leary". Birthing tub. "2". "Twice". Cover. "Lianne La Havas". I need men at sea to have booty and a body to absorb. Trifecta. The end of the rainbow. Phillip's head. Trifecta. Mirrored. Weather vane. Where have you been considerate to others? Six degrees of separation. Thirsty of a kind. Not name or store bought. Target. Spirograph. You do not know where you are at the end of the tunnel. Naming convention. Jump over two periods. Lies in the church. Fucking shit. No. Shit and then fuck. Ya heard? I planted a chrysalis in your garden. Salad bowl. Millennium Falcon. Can it just be one night time until I get our fucking dinosaurs back? Yellow fin. Like gigantic three corn nutshells. Yellow skin. Elephant. Remember this. Man. Burning. Tameeka. "Abbott and Costello". Blew ya. Joker. Up today. Do not make me drain you. Literally, eat something little black and brown girl. Boy. Character is nature with one. Judah Prince Carter. Yes. Yes. My student. Personal. A moth with butterfly wings. Yellow. Black or brown feather duster. Oh my. White handkerchief. France. "Busta Rhymes". I took your advice. Paper boy and or girl. I am conserving. Them. Kill the bullfrog. Left hair ponytail. Male horn orchestra. Boys to men from the hood. Literally both. Now watch. Spectacles for your arrangement. Let us work out some peaceful details. Weather vane for everywhere. Somebody cut me. Acorn hollowed dome shells. Inner tubular. Let's drive. I understand the diagnosis. Birdbath. Goddamn elite. Purple heart. Lieutenant. At ease. Jewels of the crown. Chrysanthemum. Now. Sit yo black monkey ass down girl and listen. Told ya. Listen or play drag queen for the rest of the goddamn day. Did ya hear me? Bitch. Boo. Look nigga. I called you. That marrying bitch from the haystack. "Twice". Hello. Hello. Oh. Two of a pair ya black dumb ass. Spades. Double hearts. Farewell black leather. Hello waves back. Now I understand also. Double heart haystack. I miss your black monkey ass. Boo. Isla Porras. I am now arcing over your existence here and into the future, and on many planes and ribbons for your entertainment. Anybody. Worker bees. State. County and or New England. Show me state. I am sounding cryptic also. Literally two points. That has meaning now. Tell me a joke. La La La. I wrote that somewhere in my notes. Believe me. Oh. "Les nuits d'été". Marrying place. "Predida". You are up for no alarm. Wow. The land was holier than you. Meaning is derived. Look over here. Three on that side. Two for the other. And I am gonna keep this one. Israel. Yes. Yes. Lord. Our father. She lied on her behalf. New York sewer plumbers. Below. Superman. Open manhole cover above. Up. Up and away. "Caesar". Land mass approval. I do not need that. Refabricating. "Flowers". Hamsa Mu. "Predida". Oh my Lord Aaron. The green leaves along the trail. A journey dark. Kant. Lantern lamp. This time is only ours. I believe in you. Trifecta. Trifecta Coffee Company. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Casa. "The Reveal". The coolest part about being God is that you do not have to have an attitude. "Hello again". Us. Nothing. Nothing really. Pop. Did you hear that? Curse Lord Jesus. Eight Hundred Pound Gorilla who calls himself The Sexy Mutha Fucka. "Alive". I am alive. Wow. Explanative. Ooh. Oh. Zero. I am alive. Sacrifice or be expunged. Jodi Hendrix. Not Watley, Sinatra, or void. No. What is your name? Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois. Jodi Hendrix on the haystack. Courtly. I will laugh and use my angry belt. Zip lock. Odo is like your budda. "What Does Your Soul Look Like". Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan


"Love's On Its Way".

"Better Day".







"What Does Your Soul Look Like".

<add our songs>

Corner Reference

<add our songs>


"Les nuits d'été".

<add our songs>


"Abbott and Costello".

"Busta Rhymes".


<add our references>

Core Reference


"Timothy Leary".

"Lianne La Havas".

"The Reveal".

"Rise of the Planet of the Apes".

<add our references>

The Reveal

Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Fall in. Drop out. Share anonymously. "Flowers". The pop is your rationalization to their time. Epiphany. This passivity is ungracious to me. "The Reveal". I want for nothing. Who waited? Call us for the reveal. Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois with Her Angel Isla Porras. Watching her get out of the tub. Greece. Her ass. Her bulb. Her attention. Fire licks ice. Thermodynamics. "Sometimes". Helio Monster Man Aaron Donald Carter Bourgeois with Her Angel Isla Porras. "Me In Her". Oh my Lord. Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan



"The Reveal".


"Me In Her".

<add our songs>

Graciously. Yes. Graciously. Yes. Hamsa Mu. Breaking car silence. “Hello. Whoop whoop.” Yes. Yes. @HelioMonsterMan

Hamsa Mu


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Wide Alert. Gay. Monitor. Marletha. I needed you. Apple fair. Yesterday.  Yesterday Apple fair I Marletha Gay Wide Alert